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Pokémon Previews (7th Generation, Shiny)
Category 3DS
Pokémon Previews
Submitter Random Talking Bush
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Hits 18,340
Comments 3

Pokémon Previews (7th Generation, Shiny)
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May 10, 2017, 7:38 PM
@White Canary: The Totem Lurantis/Salazzle don't appear to have unique icons in the game's files, and the latter two aren't included because they're the exact same as the originals on the non-Shiny sheet (even though Marshadow's is supposed to be different, it's also identical...).
May 10, 2017, 1:45 PM
Totem Lurantis, Totem Salazzle, Magearna's regular form, and Marshadow are missing.
Nov 30, 2016, 11:16 PM
how did you manage to upload it so fast?
it just came out!
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