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Category Arcade
Submitter hellcio
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Mar 8, 2019, 5:05 AM
Ao matar aquele vilão com arma as vezes aparece a moça com os peito de fora.
Sim era outros tempos, mas de vez em quando aparece algum personagem femenino bem apelativo.
Exemplo é a Mai Shiranui de Fatal fury.
E há outras se for parar para pensar.

When killing that villain with weapon sometimes appears the girl with the chest from outside.
Yes it was other times, but from time to time appears some feminine character well appealing.
Example is the Mai Shiranui of Fatal Fury.
And there are others if you stop to think.
Mar 6, 2019, 1:42 PM
boobs visible. This was allowed in arcades back then?
Mar 5, 2019, 3:58 PM
No, she's bottomless :V
Mar 5, 2019, 11:03 AM
Is that lady topless? :o
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