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Primal Rage
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Category Arcade
Sheets 3
Hits 16,384
Comments 5
Primal Rage
Primal Rage
Console Genre Developers
Arcade Fighting Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Sep 27, 2023, 3:03 PM
@releasethedogs unable to find a download. Not sure if you could actually post a link here without getting in trouble though...
May 27, 2023, 1:40 PM
@Dolphman Arcade is now fully emulated https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/x7zsfy/theres_a_working_primal_rage_beta_emulation_build/
Oct 9, 2019, 3:30 AM
@Hans-Cuff Same! It reminds me a lot of Ray Harryhausen, which would've been the intention. (Especially with the designs of the tyrannosaurs and apes)
Oct 9, 2019, 2:35 AM
I love the stop motion in this game. The puppets look so cool!
Sep 7, 2019, 3:41 AM
Wasn't expecting rips from the original Arcade version. Considering it's a bitch to emulate due to the copy protection that's still not cracked yet. Unless I'm wrong here.
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