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Infernax Customs
Alcedor & Cervul
Alcedor and His Squire Cervul (Drancia-Style)
Alcedor and His Squire Cervul (Helltaker Colors)
Alcedor and His Squire Cervul (Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch-Style)
Demon Alcedor and Demon Cervul (Helltaker Colors)
Maxime Gunn and Joe Carbine (Helltaker Colors)
Maxime Gunn and Joe Carbine (Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch-Style)
Swordcedor and Cervile (Helltaker Colors)
Swordcedor and Cervile (Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch-Style)
Lesser Demons
Banshee and Specter (Helltaker Colors)
Blue Eye, Red Eye, Eye Lord (Helltaker Colors)
Cursed Demon (Helltaker Colors)
Horned (Helltaker Colors)
Imps & Deep Ones (Helltaker Colors)
Putrid (Helltaker Colors)
Skeletons (Helltaker Colors)
Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock (Helltaker Colors)
Undead and Crucifed (Helltaker Colors)
Captain Knight/Horseman Knight (Helltaker Colors)
Cultist High Priest (Helltaker Colors)
Edgar, Goon, Phillipe (Helltaker Colors)
Gergor (Helltaker Colors)
Guards (Helltaker Colors)
Mage/Wizard (Helltaker Colors)
Robert (Helltaker Colors)
Tancred (Helltaker Colors)
Young Man and Woman (Helltaker Colors)
Console | Genre |
Custom / Edited | Customs |
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