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Signpost (Sonic Chaos, Genesis-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Submitter KojiTrape
Size 0.00 KB
Format PNG ()
Hits 6,238
Comments 6

Signpost (Sonic Chaos, Genesis-Style)
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Dec 23, 2024, 11:25 PM
The custom knuckles sprites look so cool!
Oct 20, 2022, 7:17 PM
@FamiconKun Hey, could you please knock it off? All you've done on here is complained and nitpicked over the tiniest things. You're just being rude to the artists.
Oct 20, 2022, 3:06 PM
Knuckles wasn’t in chaos.
Aug 22, 2022, 7:50 AM
fix: sonic's glove now with a few shader
remade flicky that can fit og sonic chaos sprites
made the ring thicker and reshade it
added more backward animations
Aug 19, 2022, 4:24 PM
Like Murphmario said, definitely make the ring thicker and more symmetrical in terms of the shape. Keep the shading the same, though.

Also the Flicky could use some better shading; idk if it's pillow-shading or what, but something looks a bit off.
Aug 19, 2022, 10:46 AM
This looks pretty good, though I'd suggest mirroring the ring and making it look a bit thicker. Also the Flicky might have the wrong palette compared to everything else.
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