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Gilda [65194] (EarthBound-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Grace Field House
Submitter Spriter Theo
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Gilda [65194] (EarthBound-Style)
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Nov 13, 2022, 10:37 PM

That's a fair point, but this is more like a Jeff's friend Tony situation.
Nov 13, 2022, 7:23 PM
To play devil's advocate, and I'm aware Mother/Earthbound 0 is not Earthbound, but Pippi is a guest character and still gets ghost sprites.
Nov 8, 2022, 8:35 PM

If you like thrillers and are okay with scarier subject matter, I highly recommend “The Promised Neverland”! Sounds like I'm going to need to check out your sheets as well!

I hear where you are coming from. My general thought process when it comes to making sprite sheets is to base the sheet around the character's personality, but also what the character's overall role would be in whatever game the sprites could be used for. So, for various plot or characterization reasons I may elect to ignore specific sprites, or even add entirely new sprites.

For example, I've also made a couple of “Final Fantasy VI” style sprites. In that style characters often have a shocked expression. However, if I make a more stoic character in that art style, it wouldn't make much sense to give them a shocked expression as they wouldn't be that emotive.

In this case the reason I neglected to add some sprites was due to Gilda's role the series. I was being a bit facetious before, but Gilda *is* a secondary character in the part of the story I made sprites for. In a theoretical JRPG, she would likely serve as a temporary party member for one specific scene, but otherwise would be an NPC. Because of this, I only gave her the sprites she would need to fulfill those specific roles.

I hope that makes sense! That's the process I've been using to determine whether or not any of my sprite sheets are finished. I'm aware it's a little arbitrary, but I think it's been working alright.
Nov 8, 2022, 2:03 AM
Ah see I haven't ever heard of this series until this popped up, I'm making some Earthbound style stuff too and I'm including every sprite that the 4 major party members have (including the ghost and climbing frames).
Nov 7, 2022, 9:37 PM

Unfortunately no. Gilda is a temporary party member, so she doesn't get all of the sprites. That's why she doesn't get climbing sprites either. Although in hindsight, I probably should have given her the lantern walk cycle.
Nov 7, 2022, 4:10 PM
No ghost sprites?
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