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Super Robot Wars W
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Category DS / DSi
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Super Robot Wars W
Super Robot Wars W
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Units
Detonator Orgun Units
Tekkaman Blade/Tekkaman Blade II Units
Gundam SEED/Gundam SEED Astray/Gundam SEED X Astray Units
105 Dagger
105 Dagger
Aegis Gundam
Aegis Gundam
Aile Skygrasper
Aile Skygrasper
Aile Strike Gundam
Aile Strike Gundam
Aile Strike Rouge
Aile Strike Rouge
Archangel Overlay & Background Effects
Archangel Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Blitz Gundam
Blitz Gundam
Buster Gundam
Buster Gundam
Calamity Gundam
Calamity Gundam
Dreadnought Gundam
Dreadnought Gundam
Dreadnought Gundam (GuAIZ Head)
Dreadnought Gundam (GuAIZ Head)
Duel Gundam
Duel Gundam
Duel Gundam (Assault Shroud)
Duel Gundam (Assault Shroud)
Forbidden Gundam
Forbidden Gundam
Freedom Gundam
Freedom Gundam
Freedom Gundam (METEOR)
Freedom Gundam (METEOR)
Freedom Gundam Overlay & Background Effects
Freedom Gundam Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Freedom Gundam/Justice Gundam (METEOR) Overlay & Background Effects
Freedom Gundam/Justice Gundam (METEOR) Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
GINN (Elijah)
GINN (Elijah)
GINN (Gai)
GINN (Gai)
GINN (Miguel)
GINN (Miguel)
GINN High Maneuver Type
GINN High Maneuver Type
GINN Kai (Elijah)
GINN Kai (Elijah)
Gundam Astray Blue Frame
Gundam Astray Blue Frame
Gundam Astray Blue Frame (Full Weapons)
Gundam Astray Blue Frame (Full Weapons)
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd G
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd G
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L Overlay & Background Effects
Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Gundam Astray Gold Frame
Gundam Astray Gold Frame
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu (Incomplete)
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu (Incomplete)
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu (Mina)
Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu (Mina)
Gundam Astray Red Frame
Gundam Astray Red Frame
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Power Loader)
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Power Loader)
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Power Loader) Overlay & Background Effects
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Power Loader) Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Powered Red)
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Powered Red)
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Powered Red) Overlay & Background Effects
Gundam Astray Red Frame (Powered Red) Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Hyperion Gundam
Hyperion Gundam
IWSP Skygrasper
IWSP Skygrasper
Justice Gundam
Justice Gundam
Justice Gundam (METEOR)
Justice Gundam (METEOR)
Launcher Skygrasper
Launcher Skygrasper
Launcher Strike Gundam
Launcher Strike Gundam
Launcher Strike Rouge
Launcher Strike Rouge
Lightning Skygrasper
Lightning Skygrasper
Lightning Strike Gundam
Lightning Strike Gundam
Lightning Strike Rouge
Lightning Strike Rouge
M1 Astray
M1 Astray
M1 Astray (Jean)
M1 Astray (Jean)
Moebius Zero
Moebius Zero
Providence Gundam
Providence Gundam
Raider Gundam
Raider Gundam
Regenerate Gundam
Regenerate Gundam
Regenerate Gundam Overlay & Background Effects
Regenerate Gundam Overlay & Background Effects Zip Archive
Strike Dagger
Strike Dagger
Strike Gundam
Strike Gundam
Strike Gundam IWSP
Strike Gundam IWSP
Strike Rouge
Strike Rouge
Strike Rouge IWSP
Strike Rouge IWSP
Sword Calamity
Sword Calamity
Sword Skygrasper
Sword Skygrasper
Sword Strike Gundam
Sword Strike Gundam
Sword Strike Rouge
Sword Strike Rouge
Nadesico/Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness Units
Original Units
Full Metal Panic!/Full Metal Panic!? Fumoffu/Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid Units
GaoGaiGar/GaoGaiGar FINAL Units
Mazinkaiser/Mazinkaiser vs. The Great General of Darkness Units
Golion Units
Getter Robo G/Shin Getter Robo (Manga) Units
Console Genre Developers
DS / DSi Strategy Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Aug 28, 2020, 10:35 AM *
Okay, my Google has tripped me up as to which is the Daimajin and which is the Daitetsujin (And presumably, the models without the Dai in the name). Which is it?

Edit: Okay, looking at in-game shots, you accidentally swapped Majin and Tetsujin.
Aug 21, 2020, 3:53 PM
Oh, right. For anyone curious, yes, the enemies labeled "ZX-**" match with body parts. This is related to GaoGaiGar plot.
Aug 16, 2020, 5:54 PM
https://youtu.be/Iw1pHA7lu9k Yeah. That's a LOT to be done with FDS.
Aug 16, 2020, 11:47 AM
I mean, I'm just happy to have the sprites at all in a high quality manner.
Aug 16, 2020, 9:42 AM
I once asked Domobot on twitter about it about certain sheets, but having them as a whole would take too much time.

Realistically, it would be easier to see each individual unit in action on Youtube. This is also the style that's been in use since Judgement on the GBA.
Aug 16, 2020, 1:08 AM
I've been considering giving regular GGG it's own sheet, but again I don't think many of it's cutins are different from Star... but the sheet is already incredibly dense without the extra parts, so I dunno.
Aug 16, 2020, 12:52 AM
Makes sense. I'd ask about GaoGaiGar, but given Star GaoGaiGar, much like in-universe, is mostly just GaoGaiGar with added elements, I'll wait.
Aug 15, 2020, 9:31 PM
Correct, Shin Getter-1, Mazinkaiser, and classic-colors Great won't be done until I get Final Dynamic Special. I did consider doing a sheet of Mazinkaiser without it's Scrander, but the only worthwhile difference besides the added sprites is the cutin used for Fire Blaster. Might as well wait.
Aug 15, 2020, 5:34 PM
Given the circumstances, I'm not expecting Shin Getter-1 or Mazinkaiser sprites until once we see Mycenae Empire goons and the Great General of Darkness- Otherwise there would've been a sprite sheet of Scrander-less Mazinkaiser uploaded by now.
Aug 15, 2020, 1:32 PM
Yeah. On the plus side a LOT of these rips are now jam-packed with SFX, and standalone SFX rips. Animators on youtube who use sprites will LOVE this section just as much as Metal Slug.
Jul 28, 2020, 2:06 PM
Ironically, they only pulled the post-apocalyptic setting of Armageddon once- In D. In Z2, the apocalyptic setting is linked to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, in V the radiation was mitigated by the dragons from Cross Ange (Ironic given the dinosaurs had a weakness to Getter Rays in the Toei anime and the original manga), and in T, things go off the rail early on before the time-skip ever comes up, mostly thanks to Shin Getter being brought out immediately.
Jul 28, 2020, 10:01 AM
Hmm. The switch to Armageddon likely affected the story for future SRW games from here on out, as demonstrated in V (world in ruin after the event and the constant war, starting with Space Battleship Yamato).
Jul 27, 2020, 3:49 PM
It was likely a matter of popularity and getting the voice actors together, although Z1, which had the Toei anime, had a glimpse into the future that heavily implied they would be using Shin Getter along with some version of Ryoma that was far more unhinged in appearance, implying they were planning the switch to Armageddon. Koji mentions seeing a Mazinger, and while Shin Mazinger was used for Z2, voice clips from Rubina heavily imply Mazinkaiser was planned to show up for Z2.
Jul 27, 2020, 2:36 PM
Right, the release date. And was very odd that it was bundled with other Toei anime until Z2.
Jul 27, 2020, 1:52 PM
Actually, it debuted in the Getter Robo Go manga- That honor belongs to Mazinkaiser. In addition, thanks to Shin vs Neo, HEATS wasn't the only time it had a proper soundtrack to itself. Two games, GC and R used Shin vs Neo, while D had Armageddon's debut in SRW- It's just that until Z2, Shin Getter Robo would regularly be bundled with the Toei Anime.
Jul 27, 2020, 9:58 AM
At the same time, it's battle BGM is HEATS in later installments instead of the original Getter Robo theme, the main theme of Getter Robo Armageddon when the storyline for that OVA series when it made it's debut, officially making the Shin Getter the first SRW original mecha to make the jump to television screens across Japan.
Jul 26, 2020, 12:50 PM
Started in the Classic Timeline- 4, F Final. It's just that in trailers and in this case, the series select, they have listed copyrights. That said, origins will vary between games on occasion. In its first appearance, it was Getter-1 undergoing a controlled nuclear style meltdown, mutating the machine to the point that it actively transformed without using Open Get. In the context of SRW W, Shin Getter was made by Dr Saotome in collaboration with Dr Juzo Kabuto in order to serve as a preventative measure should Mazinkaiser go berserk.
Jul 26, 2020, 9:34 AM
Licensing? Hm, I remember early SRW titles having it as an optional unit, a stronger version of the Getter. That being said can't wait for the remaining two.
Jul 24, 2020, 4:58 PM
Okay, to clear things up on Shin Getter Robo in the game- While the pilots are from the Toei anime, Shin Getter-2 and Shin Getter-3 are lifted straight from Armageddon and Shin Getter-1 is some mix of the manga and Shin vs Neo (Pulling out the Getter Tomahawk in two pieces before putting them together is straight from Shin vs Neo's Tomahawk Lancer). That said, Shin Getter's presence in the game is strictly as support to the Mazinkaiser plot. They just call it Getter Robo G and Shin Getter Robo (Manga) for the sake of licensing purposes as Alpha 3 has a similar mess.
Jun 30, 2020, 6:11 AM
Domo is back?!
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