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Pokémon Gold / Silver
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Pokémon Gold / Silver
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Jun 2, 2018, 4:35 PM
How did the person find the demo? has this recently been discovered?

EDIT: more questions. How did the person originally get the ROM anyways? Like how could you get the demos from the stores/events back then without getting caught and going to jail (or getting banned from the store/event)? And is this ROM available online? If so.. What's the link?
Jun 2, 2018, 12:56 PM
@SpritZ yeah, four demos in fact: two for both for the 1997 Nintendo Spaceworld demos of Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver (both have a debug version and a nondebug version). Also, Gold and Silver are based on the Gen I engine. These demos are really early versions of the Gen II engine (so early, they actually are still programmed for the original Game Boy and Super Game Boy, not the Game Boy Color). It seems that some of the sprites have yet to be designed or programmed. Also, some sprites seem to be placeholders. The games were still using some Gen I sprites, and there seemed to be a few leftovers of sprites that were already redesigned or redrawn (some close the finals some not). The game world was totally redesigned to, twice in fact. One being the final version, and the other being an apparent in between version.

Edit: I forgot to mention, there are actually four version of the starting town the final version, the one in the 1997 demo, the in between version (which was a reworking of the 1997 demo with a updated tileset), and an apparently early version than the 1997 demo. So, the game world probably went through at least four revisions if not more.

Note: While the in between version's starting town is a reworked version of the 1997 demo, most of the other maps are early versions of the maps in the final, with some maps not being in the 1997 demo and apparently being cut or replaced by the final. These in between maps still exist in the final ROM, but are unused leftovers from an early version.
Jun 2, 2018, 10:59 AM
Also it appears gold and silver were originally gonna look like Red and Blue. Perhaps originally gonna be a sequel?
Jun 2, 2018, 10:55 AM
Why are all these beta things just getting ripped now? Did somebody find a demo or something? explain plz xd
Jun 1, 2018, 7:16 PM
I can't believe there are already sprites approved for the Spriters Resource from the 1997 Nintendo Spaceworld Pokemon 2: Gold and Silver demos.
May 31, 2018, 12:53 PM
Well, this was unexpected. I can’t wait to check out the demo.
Jan 30, 2018, 12:33 AM
There are some Japanese sprites missing here. Ones that were changed for all the localizations (except South Korean). I'll add those, I guess.
Dec 1, 2017, 12:39 PM
Shoot, everything I want to rip or rerip has already been ripped or has everything...
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