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Extras (Movie)
Category GameCube
Extras Menu
Submitter BillyBnMOfficial
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Extras (Movie)
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Jan 30, 2025, 7:11 AM
"Toy Story 4 was mid" I said, not realizing how bad it got

No but it's actually crazy how the entire Cars trilogy, Madagascar trilogy, Shark Tale, and Turbo, FUCKING TURBO, are better movies than TS4. (5 can't be nearly that bad... Right?)
May 16, 2024, 12:20 PM
Your opinion, mang. All y'all are welcome to share them, and we're all welcome to disagree
May 13, 2024, 6:23 AM
Up is phenomenal and Over the Hedge is bad. Hope this helped! :P
May 12, 2024, 3:11 PM *
Academy Awards are a joke
They give the award to Brave in 2012 when it's easily Pixar's worst movie. (Worse than Cars 2, fight me)
They didn't nominate Monsters vs Aliens in 2009, Up was just okay but Coraline deserved the award more.
2006's nominees were fairly weak, Happy Feet won over Cars and Monster House, and Over the Hedge wasn't even nominated.
Toy Story 4 won 2019 which was mid af, even if you like it you have to agree there were better choices.

EDIT: Changed a few opinions, Up was actually really good, ig I was just feeling negative when I first wrote this. Either way I'm still mad that they give the awards to Happy Feet when George Miller has directed much better movies AND Cars and Monster House exist. Brave is still Pixar's worst, Wreck It Ralph deserved that award more. Shark Tale being nominated with the Incredibles and Shrek 2 is still funny as fuck.
Jan 31, 2024, 11:48 AM
How did this get nominated? Did Harvey W. receive any favors from the actors and makers of this movie? Or the people behind cameras sold their souls? How?
Jan 21, 2024, 8:13 AM
Reminder that the movie was nominated for the Academy Award for best animated feature in 2004 (along with Shrek 2 and the Incredibles)
Jan 10, 2024, 7:07 AM
and concept art from the hit(?) movie sharktale
Jan 9, 2024, 12:44 PM
Oh yes, who doesn't love to enter the game's extras just to see random photos of a movie that you can find on Google by just searching "Sharktale"
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