# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
The Simpsons: Tapped Out


Aaron Burr


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Simpson I

Acorn Kirk

Acorn-Obsessed Squirrel


Adil Hoxha

Advisor Frink

Agent Bont




Alaska Nebraska


Alice Glick

Alien Bart

All-American Apu

Allison Taylor

Amber Dempsey

Amber Simpson



Angel Flanders

Angel Lisa


Angelica Button

Anger Watkins

Animal Rights Hipster

Animatronic Axe

Animatronic Bomb

Animatronic Dynamite

Animatronic Dynamite Bundle

Anime Homer

Anime Marge


Annual Gift Man

Antoine and Zora


Archer Lisa

Aristotle Amadopolis

Arnie Pye

Arthur Fortune

Artie Ziff

Astronaut Barney

Augustus Redfield


Baby Barney

Baby Bart

Baby Frink

Baby Gerald

Baby Homer

Baby Jesus

Baby Lisa

Baby Marge

Baby Moe

Baby T-Rex

Ballet Ralph


Barbarian Homer

Bare Chested Willie




Bart Sawyer


Baseball Jasper

Battling Seizure Robot

Bear Robot

The Bearded Lady



The Beefy Bishop


Beer Stein Wiggum




Bernice Hibbert

Bestimus Mucho

Big Baby Barney

Big Zoo Fan



Bionaut Marge

Birch Barlow


Black Voodoo


Blarg Alien

Bleeding Gums Murphy

Blinky Monster

Blocko Angelica Button

Blue Funzo

Blue Goblin

Blue-Haired Lawyer

Bob Clone

Bonestorm Santa




Bouncing Battle Baby

Boxing Drederick Tatum



Brendan Beiderbecke

Bridge Troll Moe

Brittany Brockman

Broccoli Ralph


Brother Faith


Buck McCoy

Buck Mitchell

Buddha Homer


Bully Boss


Bumblebee Man

Bunny #24601

Burns Dragon

Burns Monster


Butterfly Maggie


Cactus Bart

Cactus Lisa

Cactus Maggie

Caddy Bart

Cadet Lisa

Calypso Self-Knowledge

Camera Hat Homer

Canadian Flanders

Candy Kevin

Capital City Goofball

Capri Flanders

Captain Bob

Captain Flag

Captain Mordecai

CarGo Smart Car


Carnage Destructicus

Casino Boss Bart

Casino Nessie

Cavegirl Booberella

Caveman Homer

Caveman Moe

Cavewoman Marge

Cayman Island Banker

Cecil Terwilliger



Chainsaw Willie



Charcoal Briquette


Chazz Busby

Chester Dupree

Chief Knockahomer


Chip Chameleon


Chirpy Boy & Bart Junior

Christmas Raccoon

Christmas Tree Ralph

Circus Acrobat

Cirque de Puree Ringmaster

Citizen Solar

CJ Pro Bidder

Clarissa Wellington

Clawing Zombie


Cleric Marge




Clobber Girl

Clockwork Bart

Clown Bart

Clown Principal Krusty


Club President Bildorf

Coach Krupt

Coach Pommelhorst

Coat of Foxes Krusty

Cocoa Beanie


The Collector

The Collider

Comic Book Guy

Comic Book Ram

Conductor Homer

Conductor Otto

Connie Appleseed


Cookie Kwan

Cool Homer

Cool Lisa

Cool Milhouse

Copyright Lawyer


Corporal Punishment

Cosine Tangent

Costas Becker

Count Burns

Count Dracula

Count Grampa

Countess Dracula


Cowboy Accountant

Cowboy Homer


Crazy Cat Lady

Crazy Dog Man

Crazy Iguana Lady

Crazy Vaclav

Crazy Zombie

Cregg Demon


Crook (NPC)

The Cropfather


Cupid Bart

Cyborg Bart

Cyborg Snake

Cyborg Willie

Cyrus Manley

Daisy McGunnan

The Dalai Lama

Dame Judith Underdunk

Dancing Reindeer

Danger Dog

Dante Calabresi Jr.

Dante Calabresi Sr.

Daredevil Bart

Darwin Fish

Dash Dingo


Dave Shutton


Declan Desmond

Deep Freeze

Deep Space Homer

Delbert Fornby

Demon Moe

Demon Technician

Der Zip Zorp

Desert Park Ranger

The Detonator


The Devil

Devil Flanders

Dewey Largo




Dieter Wolfcastle


Dilophosaurus (NPC)


Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster

Disapproving Squirrel

Disco Stu

Disco Zombie

Doctor Doc M.D PhD

Dodgeball Skinner

Dog-proof Suit Wiggum

Doggy Smithers


Don Brodka

Don Vittorio

Donut Homer

Donut Mech


Dr. Bonebreak

Dr. Colossus

Dr. Crab

Dr. Dog

Dr. Griffin (Invisible Man)

Dr. Hibbert

Dr. Hot Dog

Dr. Nick

Dr. Robert

Drederick Tatum



Duff Knight


Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ebenezer Burns


Edgar Allan Poe


Egg Council Guy

Elaine Wolff

Elf Bart

Elf Lisa

Elf Milhouse

Elf Moe

Elf Nelson

Emily Winthrop

Emperor Moe

Empty-Nest Marge

Enemy Agent


Esme Delacroix

Ethereal Beings


Evelyn Peters


Evil Godmother Burns

Evil Homer

Evil Shopkeeper

Fairy Kodos

Fallout Boy

Fancy Duffman

Fast Food Grampa

Fat Tony

Father Ben

Father Sean



Femme Fatale

Fernando Vidal

Festivus CBG



Filmmaker Lisa


Fire Chief Moe

Fire Eater

Fireman Apu

Fireman Homer

Fireman Skinner

Fit Tony

Fit™ Milhouse

The Flying Giuseppe

Football Nelson

Formless Terror

Fortune Teller

The Fracker

Francesca Terwilliger

Frank Grimes


Frankenstein's Monster

Frankie the Squealer

Freddy Freeman

Freddy Quimby


French Waiter

Frink Jr.

Frink's Robot Dog


Frog Prince

Frosty the Hitman


Fugitive (1)

Fugitive (2)

Fugitive (3)

Furious D

Future Bart

Future Lisa

Future Lou

Future Maggie

Future Nelson

Future Sideshow Bob

Future Wiggum

G.H.O.S.T. Enforcer

Gabbo and Arthur

The Game Master


Gary the Unicorn

Gautama Buddha

Gelatinous Homer

The General

General Bart

General Splattin'

Geoffrey Chaucer

George Washington

Geriatric Park Burns

The Ghost of Christmas Past

The Ghost of Christmas Present

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Giant Screamapillar

Gift Shop Fanatic


Gina Vendetti

Ginger Flanders

Gino Underdunk Terwilliger


Glamazon Marge



Gnome In Your Home


Goblin Bart

Goblin Milhouse


Golf Course Alligator

Golfer Dr. Hibbert

Golfer Dr. Nick

Golfing Homer


Gorgeous Grampa

Governor Mary Bailey




Grandma Van Houten

Grandpa Van Houten

Grant Connor

Gravedigger Billy

Grayson Mathers

The Great Raymondo

The Great Simpsina

Greta Wolfcastle


Grief Counselor

Grindhouse Assassin

Groundskeeper Seamus

Groundskeeper Wilma


The Grumple

Gummy Joe

Guy Incognito

Gymnastic Lisa

H.P. Lovecraft

Hadrosaur Bouvier

Handsome Pete

Hank Scorpio

Hans Mechman

Hans Moleman

Harv Bannister

The Headless Horseman

Helen Lovejoy

Hell Principals

Hell Teacher

Hellfish Abe

Hellfish Burns

Helter Skeleter

Herb Powell

Herb Tannenbaum


Hero Kirk

Hibbert's Father



Holiday Homer

Hollis Hurlbut


Homer Barbarian

Homer Dog

Homer Lizard

Honest Abe

Hostess Miss Springfield

Hot Flash

Howard K. Duff


Hugh Jass


Hugs Bunny

The Human Donkey

Human Statue

Hunter Mr. Burns



Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills

Ice Cream Man Homer

Ice Princess Martin


Imaginary Bear

Invasive Toads

Investo the Robot

Iron Lung

Iron Yuppie

IRS Drone

Italian Milhouse


Itchy & Scratchy Bot

Itchy Mascot

J. Edgar Hoover

J. Rigellian Christ

Jack Frost

Jack the Ripper


Jake Boyman




Jay G

Jebediah Springfield

Jelly Monster



Jeremy Jailbird

Jerri Mackleberry

Jesse Grass

Jessica Lovejoy

Jesus Christ

Jiff And Skippy

Jim Hope



Joan Bushwell

Jockey Bart


Johnny Tightlips


Judge Constance Harm

Judge J.T. Winchester

Judge Snyder




June Bellamy

Justice Agent

K9 Officer



Kamp Bart


Kathy from Personnel


Kearney's Other Son


Kickback Quimby

The Kid With No Name

King Gautama

King Herod

King Homer

King Quimby

King Snorky

King Winter

King-Size Homer


Kirkedemious Van Houten



Knifey Spooney


Krustcraft Krusty


Krusty Claus

Krusty the Christian


Kung Fu Comic Book Guy

Kung Fu Werewolf

Kwanzaa Dr. Hibbert

L.T. Smash


Lady Duff

Lady Milhouse


Laird Ladd


Lance Murdock


Larry Kidkill

Laura Powers

The Leader

Leaky Pants

Lee Carvallo



Lenora Carter

Leon Kompowsky



Les Moore


Lewis Clark


Lil' Thrill Seeker

Lil' Zoo Fan

Lindsey Naegle

Ling Bouvier

Lionel Budgie



Little Debbie Dimples

Little Helper Ralph

Little Miss Springfield

Lizard Queen Lisa

Llewellyn Sinclair


Longshot Skinner

Lord Montgomery

Lord Montymort

Lord Thistlewick Flanders



Love Bot


Lucille Botzcowski

Lucius Sweet

Lucy Fer Sa'tan



Luke Stetson

Lumberjill Marge


Lunchlady Dora




Mabel Simpson

Mad Doctor Itchy

Mad Dr. Hibbert


Magic Act Milhouse

Magnesium Man

Malicious Krubb

Man in Tan


Manager Cletus

Manager Nigel


Marbles Le Marquez


Marge the Witch

Marge Ziff


Marquess Milhouse


Martin of the Opera


Marvin Monroe

Mary Spuckler

Mary Tannenbaum

The Master

Mastermind Hank Scorpio

Matt Groening



Maw Spuckler

Maxwell Flinch

Mayan Associate God

Mayan God

Mayan Homer

Mayan Marge


McGriff the Crime Dog


Mecha Hawk


Meditating Bear

Meg Ahertz




Mexican Duffman

Michael D'Amico

Mighty Oak Leader

Mike Wegman

Milford Van Houten








Mirror Bart

Mirror Disco Stu

Mirror Grampa

Mirror Homer

Mirror Lisa

Mirror Marge

Mirror Mr. Burns

Mirror Ned

Miss Hoover

Miss Springfield

Mixed Martial Medusa

MMA Jesus

Mob Lawyer

Moby Man

Model Donut


Mojo Helper Monkey



Monkey's Paw Salesman

Monster Hunter Homer

Monty Moneybags

Mooch Bart


Mopey Mary



Mountain Man


Mr. Bergstrom

Mr. Burns

Mr. Costington

Mr. Dirt

Mr. McGreg

Mr. McGrew

Mr. Plow

Mr. Sparkle

Mr. Teeny

Mrs. Bouvier

Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Frink

Mrs. Kodos Claus

Mrs. Krabappel

Mrs. Muntz

Mrs. Pennyfeather

Mrs. Prince

Mrs. Quimby

Mrs. Scratchy

Mrs. Sinclair

Ms. Claws

Ms. Coco

Ms. Mouse

Ms. Peyton


Mummy Wiggum

Muscular Marge

Muscular Milhouse

Mutant Peacock

Mutant Rabbit

Mysterious Waylon

Nana Sophie Mussolini



Nedward Flanders Sr.


New God Mr. Burns


Nick Delacourt


Nikki McKenna

Ninja From the Black Lagoon

Ninja Homer

No-Helmet Dupree

Noir Homer

Noir Lisa


Northern Irish Leprechaun


Number 1

Number 111

Number 12

Number 14

Number 2

Number 21

Number 22

Number 29

Number 314

Number 36

Number 5

Number 50

Number 51

Number 59

Number 600

Number 66

Number 67

Number 79

Number 85

Number 908



Off-The-Grid Flanders

Old Jewish Man

Old King Coal

Old Man Winter

Old Scratch

Old Tut


Opera Krusty

Orc Willie


Osaka Flu

Osaka Seafood Concern Squid

Oscar Wilde


Outlands Maggie

Outlaw Snake

Over Under Beast

Pagan Dad

Pagan Dad (Act 2)

Pagan Daughter

Pagan Daughter (Act 2)

Pagan Mom

Pagan Mom (Act 2)

Panther Marge

Parade Roller

Parade Train

Paris Texan

Park Engineer

Park Ranger

Park Ranger Johnson

The Parson

Patches and Poor Violet

The Patriarch

Patriotic Homer


Paul Bunyan

Paul Flart


Pet Mutant Plant

Pet Mutant Seedling

Pet Snake


Peter D'Abbruzio

Petroleus Rex

Pharaoh Guard

Pharaoh Skinner

Philip Hefflin

Pie Man

Pin Collector Lisa

Pin Pal Apu

Pin Pal Apu (Red & Blue)

Pin Pal Burns

Pin Pal Homer

Pin Pal Moe

Pink Funzo

Pirate Kang

Pirate Nelson


Pixel Homer

Plague Rats


Plow King


Polystar Executive


Poochie Mascot


Prairie Maggie

Prehistoric Car

Prepper Lindsey Naegle

President Lisa

Pride Homer


Prince Gautama

Princess Homer

Princess Jules

Princess Kashmir

Princess Opal

Princess Penelope

Principal Dondelinger

Professor Frink

Professor Werner von Brawn

Programmer Lisa

Prom Time Homer


Puritan Flanders

Puritan Lovejoy

Purple Funzo


Queen Gautama

Queen Helvetica



Quinn Hopper


Rabbi Krustofsky

Rachel Jordan

Radioactive Homer

Radioactive Man

Radioactive Milhouse



The Rambler




Rappin' Bart


Raptor (NPC)

Rasputin the Friendly Russian

The Raven

Ravencrow Neversmiles

Ray Patterson

Reclusive Mr. Burns

Red Goblin

Referee Homer

Report Card

Respectable Moe

Retired Homer

Retirement Castle Orderly

Rev. Lovejoy

Rex Banner

The Rich Texan

Richard Nixon


Rita LaFleur

Roberto Dinero

Robin Hood Homer

Robo Burns



Robot Marge

Robot Rumble Announcers

Rock Chameleon

Rockin' Otto

Rockstar Maggie


Roger Myers Jr.

Rollerskate Smithers

Ronald Reagan


Rosa Barks


Rose Quimby



Royal Unicorn


Russ Cargill

Ruth Powers

Sacagawea Lisa

Sailor Kumiko



Samantha Stankey


Santa Claus

Santa Flanders

Santa Homer

Santa Kang

Santa Sideshow Bob

Santa Snake

Santa's Little Helper

Sarah Wiggum

Sasha Reed

Satyr Willie

Saxophone Lisa


Scotty Boom

The Scout Master

Scouting Bart

Scouting Lisa


Scratchy Mascot

Scuzzo the Clown

Sea Captain

Sebastian Cobb

Secretary Van Houten


Senile Zombie

Señor Ding Dong

Sentient Lard Lad Statue

Sentient Red Devil Realty Sign

Sexy Pirate

Sexy Santa Marge

Sgt. Sausage

Sgt. Skinner

Shadow Knight


Shary Bobbins



Shelbyville Manhattan

Sherri & Terri


Short Bob Clone

Shredded Ned

Shredder Stevens


Shuffling Zombie


Sidekick Milhouse

Sideshow Bob

Sideshow Bob (NPC)

Sideshow Chicken

Sideshow Lisa

Sideshow Mel

Sideshow Raheem


Skinny Palmer

Skipper Jack

Slave Labor Willie







Snarling Zombie

Snitchy the Weasel

Snow Day Bart

Snow Day Lisa

Snow Monster

Snowball I

Snowball II

Soccer Lisa

Softball Mr Burns

Softball Mr Burns (Red & Blue)

Soggy the Clown

Sophie Krustofsky

Sorcerer Chalmers

Sorcerer Frink

Space Coyote

Space Marshmallow

Space Mutant


Spotlight Dance Bot




Squeaky Voice Attendant

Squeaky Voice Peasant

Squeaky Voice Teen

Squirrel Luann

St. Peter

Stacy Lovell

Stage Manager Marge


Star Snowsuit Maggie

Star Spawn


Stephanie Brockman

Stephen Hawking

Stewart Duck

Stick Up Walrus


Stradivarius Cain


Street Cleaner

Stretch Dude

Strongman Homer

Stupid Sexy Flanders

Summer Games Chairman

Sunday Morning Homer

Super Agent


Suzanne the Witch

Sven Golly

Swimsuit Brockman

Swimsuit Homer


Tab Spangler

Tabitha Vixx

Taekwon Dracula

Talking Krusty Doll

Tall Bob Clone

Taskmaster Willie

Ted Flanders

Teddy Roosevelt

Teenage Homer

Teenage Smithers


Temptation Serpent

Tennis Marge

Test Subject Bart


Thomas Jefferson


Tic Tock Simpson

Time Traveler Frink

Tina Ballerina

Tiny Tim



Tom O'Flanagan

Toreador Grampa

Torture Coach

Tour Group Straggler

Tourist (Child)

Tourist (Female)

Tourist (Male)

Treehugger Lisa


Tribal Chief


Tungsten Dude


Tuxedo Krusty


Tyler Boom

U. B. O.


Uncle Zio

Undercover Hoover

Unicorn Wizard

Unlicensed Surgeon Moe


Vicious Monkeys

Vicki Valentine

Victor Kleskow

Virgil Simpson

Voodoo Queen

Wall E. Weasel

Walther Hotenhoffer

Water Baron Burns

Wayne Slater


Weird Al Yankovic

Wendell Borton



Werewolf Flanders

Wes Doobner

Western Snake

Wheels McGrath

White Witch Burns


The Wiccans




Wilbur Nurple


Willie the Riveter

Wind Lad

Wise Guy

Wisecracking Parrot


Wizard Bart

Wizard Lisa

Wizard Marge

Wizard Martin

Wolf the Bounty Hunter


Wolfguy Jack


Worker Elves




Yakuza Boss

The Yes Guy

Yo Yo

Young Artie Ziff

Young Barney

Young Burns

Young Grampa Simpson

Young Marge


Zia Simpson


Character Portraits

All This Jazz

Apu's Family


Foodie Fight

Game of Games

Love and War

No Bucks Given

Rise of the Robots

The Simpsons

Simpsons Babies

Springfield Enlightened

Treehouse of Horror XXXI

Character Conversation Icon


$ Casino

$5 Antler Rental

3D Printer

50ft Magnifying Glass

8 Track Shack

Abandoned Lighthouse

Abandoned Store

Abercrombie & Fetch

Abercrombie & Rich

Abu Simbel Temple

The Actual North Pole

Adult Education Annex

African Tree Resort

Agency Headquarters

Ah, Fudge! Factory

Ajax Steel Mill

Alcatraaaz's Mansion

Alien Utopia

All Night Gym

All Sales Vinyl

All Seeing Eye

Alley McBalls

Alternate Universe Computer


Amulet Hamlet

Ana Gram's Spooky Abandoned Slaughterhouse

Anchor Management

Ancient Dig

Ancient Multiplayer Game

Android's Dungeon

The Android's Mittens & Mugs

Animal Hospital

Anime District

Anime Krusty Burger

Appropriations Cultural Artifacts

Apu's Apartment

Arctic Hypertrain

Armistead's Mopeds

Asia de Cuba



Atomic Hula Hoop

Augustus Redfield's Mansion

Ayn Rand School for Tots

Aztec Theatre

Ba'al Pit

Babies B This

Baby Jesus' House

Bachelor Arms

Bad Dream House

Bag a Reindeer Hunting Range

Bail Bonds

Banana Dictatorship

Banana Monarchy

Bandit Fort


Barbarian Castle

Barbecue Battle Booth

Barber Hibbert's Surgery

Barking Good Butchery

Barnacle Bay Church

Barney's Bowlarama


Bart's Moon Mansion

Bartman Cave

Basketball Stadium


Battle Dome


Beach House

Beefy Bishop's Barbershop

Beer -N- Brawl

Bell Tower

Beloved Billionaires Club

The Bendy Elbow

Best Snowman Ever

Bethlehem Inn

Big & Tall Men's Shop

Big Box

Big Bug House

Big Digi-Ben

Big T Theatre

Black Magic Hall


Blarg Huts

Blarney Castle

Blazing Guy

Bloaters at the Squidport

Blocko Store


Bloodbath & Beyond

Blue Bail Bonds

Blue Check Cashing

Blue House

Blue Mountain Tunnel

Blues Vomitorium

Boarded-Up Candy Shoppe

Boardwalk Carousel

Boat House

Bob's Big Buddha

Bob's Victorian House

The Boiled Potato

Bones & Noble

The Boob Tubery


Books! Books! And Additional Books!

Botanical Garden

Box Factory

Boxingham Palace

Brick Townhomes

Britannia Casino

Broken Dreams Storage Lockers

Brown House

Brown House of Horror

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Pay-Less Motel

Burns Cult Headquarters

Burns Family Crypt

Burns Manor

Burns Slant-Drilling Co.

Burns State Prison

Burns' Casino

Burns' Hounds' Quarters

Burns' Summer Mansion

Burnsum and Bailey Circus

Business Center

Businessman's Social Club

The Buzzing Sign Diner

The Cabins at Honeymoon Mountain


Caesar's Pow-Wow Casino

Cafe Kafka

Canadian Border

Canadian Crossing

Canary M. Bird House

Candy Cave

Candy Cooling Towers

The Candy Shoppe

Cannon Control Building

Capital City Capitol Building

Capital City Con Center

Capital City Convention Center

Capital City Plaza Hotel

Cappuccino Royale

Captain Blip's Zapateria

Captain Dodge-Em's Bumper Cars

Captain Mordecai's Boat

Car Impound Lot


Carnaby Street

Carnival Camp

Carnival Haunted House

Cartoon Motel

Cartoon Set

Castle Headquarters

The Castle of Equalia

Castle Recycle


Catfish Lake


Celebrity Heaven

Center for Pre-Emptive Education

Channel 6

Charmer's Market

Chateau Maison

Chazz Busby Ballet Academy

Cheddarbarrel Farm

Cheep, Cheep, Cheap!

Chez Guevara

Child Care Center


Chili Blasters

Chimp Refuge

Chinese Acrobatic Theatre

Chinese Restaurant

Chocolate Chapel

Chocolate Shoppe

Christmas Apu's Apartment

Christmas Blue House

Christmas Brown House

Christmas Burns Manor

Christmas Cabin

Christmas Cletus's Farm

Christmas Compound

Christmas Costington's

Christmas Court House

Christmas Crazy Cat House

Christmas Flanders House

Christmas Frink's Lab

Christmas Krabappel Apt.

Christmas Krusty Burger

Christmas Lard Lad Donuts

Christmas Mansion of Solid Gold

Christmas Muntz House

Christmas Orange House

Christmas Pink House

Christmas Purple House

Christmas Sanjay's House

Christmas Simpson House

Christmas Skinner House

Christmas Van Houten House

Christmas Volcano Lair

Christmas White House

Christmas Wiggum House

Christmas Willie's Shack



Circuit Circus

Circus Cotton Candy Stand

Circus of Values

Cirque De Puree

Civic Center

Classic Mansion

Classified Records

Classy Girls Strip Club

Claus Co.

Cletus's Dice Den

Cletus's Farm

The Clown Plaza Hotel

Coconut Babaloo

CoE Championship Arena

Coffee Shop

Colonel Burns' Mansion


Columbus Day HQ

Column Mansion

Community Center

Concert Hall

The Confidential

Construction Yard

Control Building

Convention Center

Cookie Castle

Cool Brown House

Cooling Towers


The Coot Society

Cora's Diner


Cosmic Wars Ranch



Couch World

Count Burns' Castle

Court House

Cracker Factory

Crap Silo

Crate and Burial

Crazy Cat House

Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles

Cretaceous Park

Crouching Panda, Hidden Egg Roll

Crushed Flanders' House

Cryo Stasis Memorial

Crypto Barn

Cthulhu Monument

Cupid HQ

Curl Up and Dye

Cursed Tomb

Curvaceous Cave

Cut-Glass Cathedral

Cypress Creek Elementary

Cypress Creek Home

D'Amico Summer Home

Damaged Control Building

Damaged Cooling Towers

Damaged Court House

Damaged Reactor

Damaged Simpson House

Darby O'Guzzlin's

Daws Butler Hall

Dead Lobster

Death Drop

Death Mountain

Deluxe Condo

Deluxe Desert Tent


Department of Magical Vehicles

Der Homerschnitzel

Der Krazy Kraut

Desert Caravan

Desert Casa

Desert Welding Yard

Destroyed Golf Green

Deuce's Caboose Chili Dogs

The Devil's Oasis

Dilapidated Rail Yard


Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus

Ding-A-Ling Front Office


Dog Playground

Dognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute


Donut Store

The Doughy Dozen Bagels

Downward Doghouse Yoga Studio

Dr. Lenny's Lab

Dracula-la Land

Dracula's Castle

Draggle Rock

Drive-In Theater

Driving Range

Drum Circle

Duff Brewery

Duff Center Arena

Duff Gardens

Duff Pavilion

Duff Stadium

E4 Convention Center

Efcot Center

Egg Nog Bar

Egyptian Pyramid

Eiffel Tower

El Chemistri

The Elegant Scoundrel

Elementary Play Stage

Elf Hotel

Elite Yacht Club

Elysium Project

Emily Winthrop's Canine College


Enriched Learning Center

Escalator To Nowhere

The Escape Zone


Exclusive Resort

Exotic Petting Zoo

Exploration Inc.

Eyeballs Of Death

Fair Pavilion

Fallen Diva Apartments

Fancy Farms

Fantastical Beastarium

Fantasy Mountain Castle

Fat Tony's Compound

Fernando Vidal's Villa

Ferris Wheel

Festive Church

Festive Cletus's Farm

Festive Van Houten House

Festive Wolfcastle Mansion

Field Goal of Dreams

Fiesta Terrace

The Fighting Chokers Stadium

Film Director's Trailer

Film Set

Filthy Angels Orphanage

Fireworks Factory

Fireworks, Candy & Puppies

First Bank of Springfield

First Church of Lard Lad

First Church of Springfield

The First Class Lounge

Five O'Clock Somewhere's

Flaming Moe's

Flanders House

Flanders' Cabin

Florence of Arabia

Fogbury Port Lighthouse & Pier


The Food Needle

Fool Locker

Forest Headquarters

Fort Sensible

Fortress of Choclitude

Fortress of Lonelitude

Fortune Megastore

Fortune Teller Tent


Fraidy Cat Van Houten House

Frink's House

Frink's Lab

Frontier Town

The Frying Dutchman

Future Plastic Surgery Center

Future Simpson's House

Future-Proofed Home

Futuristic Apartments

Futuristic Condominium

Futuristic High Rise

Futuristic Monorail Station

Futuristic Office

Futuristic Skyscraper

Futuristic Tower

Gaming Moe's

Garden of Eden

Gas and Grub

Gasso Station

Gautama Palace

Gavelby's Auction House

General Chang's Taco Italiano

General Store

Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric Park Dome

Geriatric Park Pond

Geriatric Park Visitors Center

Gift Shop

Gilded Truffle

Gimbel's Department Store

Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Mansion

Ginormous Pictures


Giuseppe's Workshop

Glass Depot

Global Housing

Globex Compound

Gnome-in-the-Home Dome

Go-Kart Track

Gold Navy

Gold Records on Walls Studio

Golden Exits Retirement Farm

Golden Goose Realty

Golden Ring Wrestling Headquarters

Golf 'N' Die Retirement Village

Golf Green

The Golfin Dolphin

Good Neighbors Bounty Hunters


Gospel for Less

Grand Pyramid

Grease Recycling Plant

Greaser's Cafe

The Great Raymondo's Home

The Gridiron

Groovetone Records

Grub Shack

Guinea Pig Rescue Center

Guitar Central

Gulp 'N' Blow

Gypsy Fortune Teller Shop



Haagen Death

Hairy Shearers


Hall of Mirrors

Hall of Vice Presidents

Halloween Headquarters

Hamburger Heaven

Hammock District

Hangar 18

Happy Elves Ride

Happy Little Elves Farm

The Happy Sumo

Hard Lad Nightclub

Havana Private Home

Health Spa

The Heartmark Channel

Heaven Reception

Heavenly Hills East Wing

Heavenly Hills Mall

Heavenly Hills West Wing

Heavenly Pedicure Hut

Heavenly Showroom

Heavenly Swing Set

Heck House

Heights Theater

Hell Labs

Hell Moe's

Hell Stage

Hell's Kitchen

Hellementary School

Hellfish Monument

Hello Krusty


Helter Shelter

Herman's Military Antiques

Herod's Citadel

Heyus Heyus

Hibbert Family Practice

Hibbert Island Bungalow

Hidden Research Facility

Himeji Castle

Hindu Heaven

Hip-Hop Stage

Holiday Cabin

Holiday Duff Brewery

Holy Forge

Home of Tomorrow

Homer's Dream House

Homer's House of Cards

Honest John's Computers

Hooch City

Hootenanny Barn

Hotenhoffer Pharmaceuticals

House of Evil

House of Pain

The House of Usher

House on Scary Hill

Howard's Flowers

Hudson's House

Human Power Plant

Humanity's Hope


The Hungry Hun

Hyborian Apparel

Ice Palace

Igloo Mansion

Impulse Wedding Chapel

Incubator Think Tank

Indoor Tennis Courts

Institute of Technology

International Court of Justice

Invisible House


Island Capitol Building

Isotope Stadium

It Blows

It's A Wonderful Knife

Italian Villa

Itchy & Scratchy Studio

The Itchy and Scratchy Store

Itchy's 70's Disco

Itchy's Mine Field

Jackpot Realty

Jake's Unisex Hair Palace

The Java Server

Jay G's Mansion

The Jazz Hole

Jazzy Goodtime's

Jefferson Memorial

The Jesus Cube

Jesus' Carpentry Shop

Jewish Heaven

Jewish Walk of Fame

Jittery Joe's Coffee

Joe's Tavern

The Jogging Stroller-y

Jogyesa Temple

John's Pharmaceuticals

Johnny Fiestas

Junk Base

Just Half-Capes

Just Rainsticks

Juvenile Correction Facility

Juvenile Courthouse

Kamp Krusty

Kane Manor

Kathmandu U

KBBL Radio

Kentucky Fried Simpson

Kevin's Kindling

Kid First Industries

KidZone Elite


King Quimby's Court

King Toot's


Kliff's Kar Chalet

Klub Krusty Adult Retreat


Knot What It Seams

Krabappel Apartment

Krusty Burger

Krusty Clown College

Krusty Murder

Krusty's Drive-Thru Station

Krusty's Giant Wheel

Krusty's Haunted Condo

Krusty's Kristmas on Ice

Krusty's Mansion

Krusty's Retreat

Krustyland Entrance

Krustyland Halloween Horror Night

Krustyland Hotel

Krustyland Krusty Burger

Krustylu Studio Office

Krustylu Studios

KTV Building


Kwik-E-Mart Central Office


L.A. Body Works

La Belle Frottage

Lake Headquarters

Lard Lad Donut Factory

Lard Lad Donuts

Lard Land Shop

Large Mausoleum

Lazy I Ranch

Le Krusty Burger

Le Petite Appétit

The League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen

Leaning Tower


The Leftorium

Lenny's House

Lincoln's Cabin

Lionel Budgie D.V.M.

Lisa M. Simpson Foundation

Little Black Box

Little Lisa's Recycling Plant

The Lofts at Springfield Elementary

Lord Montgomery's Castle

Lord Montymort's Lair

Lotto 'N' Liquor

Lovejoy Residence

Low-Fat Lad

Lower East Side Homes

Lucky Casino

The Lucky Stiff Funeral Home


Lugash's Gym



Lumber Mill

Luxury Crypt

Mad Doctor Itchy's Castle

Mad Doctor's Castle

Mad Dr. Hibbert's Manor

Madame and Masseur

Madame Chao's

Mafia Front

MAG Office

Magic Academy

Magic Academy Library

Magic Palace

Magic Shop

Magic Station

Magic Tower

Maison Derriere

Make-a-Thing Workshop

Malaria Zone

Malibu Stacy Fan Club

Malibu Stacy Headquarters

Mall-O-Rail Station


Mansion Both Wings

Mansion of Solid Gold

Mansion West Wing

Mapple HQ

Mapple Store

Marguerite's Wagon

Marketing Agency

Marriage Counseling

Master Hypnotist Tent

Mattress King

Mattress King Warehouse


Medieval Cathedral

Medieval Rich House

Mega Church

Mega Playscape

Melric's Melnibones

Memorial Church

Mendoza's Mansion

Mendoza's Tower

Mess Hall

Metal Depot

Mike Pop's Recording Studio

Mike Wegman Center

Minimum Security Prison

Mirrored Android's Dungeon

Mirrored Blocko Store

Mirrored Bookaccino's

Mirrored Bowlarama

Mirrored Costington's

Mirrored G Mart

Mirrored House

Mirrored It's a Wonderful Knife

Mirrored J.R.R. Toykin's

Mirrored Leftorium

Mirrored Lugash's Gym

Mirrored Phineas Q. Butterfat's

Mirrored Simpson's House

Mirrored Sportacus

Mirrored Springfield Shopper

Miss Tillingham's School

Mitchell Mansion

Mixed Martial Arts Mega Church


Modern Mansion

Moe's Brewing Co.

Moe's Cavern

Moe's House

Moe's Tavern

Moe's Terror

MoHo House

Mom & Pop Hardware

Monorail Cafe

Monorail Station

Monorail Tunnel

Monroe Family Therapy Center

Monsarno Cafeteria

Monsarno Chimp Resources

Monsarno Human Resources

Monsarno Library

Monsarno Research

Monster Business School

Monster's Castle


Monte Burns' Resort Casino

Montessori School

Mother Cactus

Motherloving Sugar Co.

Mountain Buddhist Temple

Mountain Lodge

Movementarian Compound


Mr. Sparkle Factory

Ms. Glick's House

Mt. Krustmore

Mt. Splashmore Slide

Mt. Swartzwelder Historic Cider Mill

Mt. Useful

Much Ado About Muffins

Mudbrick Hovel

The Mug Shot

Municipal House of Pancakes

Muntz House

Murder House

Museum of Natural History

Museum of Super Fine Arts

Museum Of Swordfish

Mushroom Office Building

Mussel & Flanks

My First Tattoo

Mylar Baggins

The Nag & Weasel

Nana Sophie Mussolini's Vineyard

National Bank of Springfield

The Needle Exchange

Nero's Palace Casino

Neuterville City Hall

Never 21

New Bedlam Rest Home

New Frontier Canyon

New Frontier Monorail Bridge

New Invention Expo

New Lard Lad

Newfangled Kwik-E-Mart


Nick's Bowling Shop

Nickel 'N' Dime Animation

Nighthawk Diner

No Kill Kennel

Noise Land Video Arcade

North Pole Station

Notre Dame of Springfield

Nurse's Station

O'Flanagan's Pub

Odin's of Shelbyville

Oedipus Rx

Office of Unemployment

Office Towers

Official Halloween HQ

Old Abandoned Warehouse

Old Cathedral

Old Country House

Old Scratch's Gym

Old Simpson Farm

Old Theatre District

Olde Springfield Towne

Ominously Blank Graveyard

One Night Stan's

One Plate Maximum Buffet

One Week Wonder Films

Open Air Stage

Opera House

Orange House

Ordnance Express

Orfanato De Artie Ziff

Original Brown House

Original Springfield Post Office

Orphan Alley

The Other Nick's Bowling Shop

Outdoor Opera Stage

Outlands Factory

Outlands Simpsons House

Overpass Diner

Painless Dentistry

Palm Springfield Resort

Parasite House

Paris Hotel

Parking Garage

Part and Parcel Postal


Paula's House

Peacock Lounge

The Peak Inn

Penny Fountain

Personal Liability Attorney

Pet Cemetery

Pet Costumes

Phineas Q. Butterfat's

Phone-Henge Kiosk

Pies for Guns Booth

Piggly's Super Smorg

Pilgrim Church

Pilgrim House

Pilgrim Shack

Pimento Grove

Pin Pals Bowling Alley

Pink House

Pinkbeardy Yogurt

The Pitiless Pup Attack Dog School

Planet Hype

Plastic Depot

Plastic Surgery Center

Plato's Republic Casino

Playdough Factory

Plunderer Pete's

Police Headquarters

Police Station

Polo Field House

Polystar Pictures


Pone, Pelts and Beyond

Pop Stage

Poppa Wheelie's

Popsicle Stick Skyscraper

Portal to Rigel 7

Powell Mansion

Powell Motors

Powers House

Preparatory School

Preppers' Compound

Presidential Estate

Princess Opal's

Private Investigator Office

Private Island


The Prodigy Barn

Prospector's Shack

Pumpkin House

Puppy Gap

Purple House

Quick & Fresh

Quimby Compound


R'lyeh (Bermuda Triangle Lair)

Radiant B.S. Station

Radioactive Man Movie Scene

Radioactive Man Statue

Radioactive Man: The Ride

Rail Yard

Ramen Coma

Rancho Relaxo

Ranger's Office

Raoul's Penthouse

Rats Court Mall

Re-Gifting Machine

Re-Neducation Center

Reactor Core

The Reality Channel

Red Blazer Realty

Red Mountain Tunnel

Redstar Headquarters


Regular Heaven

Reindeer Burger Truck

Remote On-site Correctional Center

Renovated Chateau Maison

Renovated Coconut Babaloo

Renter-Prise Dent-A-Car

Republican Party HQ

Resort Hotel

Restoration Bard Wear

Retirement Castle

Retro Lard Lad

Retro Style Townhouse

Reward Center

Rigel 7 Military Base

Rigel VII

Rigellian Christmas Fireplace

Rigellian Christmas Spaceship

Rigellian Christmas Spaceship Destroyed

Rigellian Christmas Toy Workshop

Rigellian Construction Site

Rigellian North Pole

Rigellian Tribal Hut

Rio Days-Inn-Ero

Robot Rumble Arena

Robot Rumble Studio

Rock Stage

Rocket to Your Doom

Rockin' Ark

Roger Meyers Story

Roller Rink

Rommelwood Academy

Rommelwood Barracks

Ronald Reagan Reeducation Center

The Rotting Pelican

Royal Tokyo

Royal Tower

Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers

Ruffian Fort

Ruined Lard Lad

Safari Casino

Samba School

Sanjay's House

Santa's Castle

Santa's House

Santa's Tavern

Santa's Village

Santa's Workshop

Scandal-gate Hotel

Scary Blue House

School Bus

School for the Clowning Arts

Sconewall Bakery

Scotland Yard

Scrap City

Scratchy's Flea Dipper

Scream-son House

Screaming Monkey Medical Research Center

Screaming Stitch & Hem

The Screens

Seething Sisters

Self-Reliant House

Señor Ding Dong's Doorbell Fiesta

Sequel Stop

Serenity Ranch

Serfsons House

Sergeant Thug's Mountaintop Command Post

Seven Sisters

Sha-Boom Ka-Boom Cafe

Shady and the Vamp

Sham Rock Café


She-She Lounge

Shelbyville Elementary

Shinning Hotel



Shotgun Pete's


Shuttle Hangar

Simpson and Grandson Bike Customizing

Simpson House

Simpson Laser Tag

Simpsons Mountain Home

Simpsons' Skating Rink

Singing Sirloin

Sir Duncan's Doughed Naughts

Sir Putt-A-Lot's


Skeletal Skinner House

Ski Chalet

Skinner House

Skip's Diner

Skyberdine Systems


Slaughterhouse Restaurant

Sleep-Eazy Motel

Sleeveless in Seattle

Slide Factory

Slimu Auditorium

Slot Canyon Slots

Smooches on the Beach

Snake's House

Snake's House Decorated

Sneed's Feed & Seed

Snow Bank

The Snowed Inn

Snowed-In Springfield Elementary

Snub Club

Snuggler's Cove

Soarin' Over Springfield

Soilant Red Factory

Solomon's Temple

Soul Extraction Institute

Space Training Center



Spine Chills

Spinster City Apartments


Spirograph Factory

Sponsored Church

Spook House

Spooky Cabin

Spooky Campfire

Spooky House


Sportswardsies Center

The Spotted Cat


Springfield Academy of Music

Springfield Airport

Springfield Animal Police Academy

Springfield Animal Shelter

Springfield Aquarium

Springfield Arms

Springfield Asylum

Springfield Atoms Stadium

Springfield Auto Show

Springfield Barbecue Festival

Springfield Books

Springfield Bowl

Springfield Buddhist Temple

Springfield Car Wash

Springfield Cathedral

Springfield Cemetery

Springfield Christmas Tree Farm

Springfield Clamphitheater

Springfield Coliseum

Springfield Community Theater

Springfield Costume Shop

Springfield Country Club

Springfield Demolition Derby

Springfield Destruction Derby Ground

Springfield Dog Pound

Springfield Domestic Orphanage

Springfield Downs

Springfield Dry Cleaner

Springfield Dump

Springfield Ele-Zen-Tary

Springfield Elementary

Springfield Elementary Black History Month Sign

Springfield Elementary Crypto-farm

Springfield Episcopal Church

Springfield Farmers Market

Springfield Fire Department

Springfield Funeral Home

Springfield General Hospital

Springfield Glen Country Club

Springfield Greenhouse

Springfield Grocery Store

Springfield Gymdandee

Springfield Hall of Records

Springfield Heights Tunnel

Springfield Henge

Springfield High School

Springfield Historical Society

Springfield History Museum

Springfield Hunting Supplies

Springfield Hyperstadium

Springfield Junipers Golf Club

Springfield Knowledgeum

Springfield Library

Springfield Mall

Springfield Maximum Security Prison

Springfield Meatball Factory

Springfield Medical Center

Springfield Men's Mission

Springfield Mesa

Springfield Multicultural Center

Springfield Municipal Golf Course

Springfield Museum

Springfield Mystery Spot

Springfield Observatory

Springfield Opry House

Springfield Orphanage

Springfield Penitentiary

Springfield Pet Fair Stage

Springfield Pet Shop

Springfield Physical Therapy

Springfield Planetarium

Springfield Playhouse

Springfield Post Office

Springfield Robotics Laboratory

Springfield Sardi's

Springfield Shopper

Springfield Skating Rink

Springfield Slaughterhouse

Springfield Sports Palace

Springfield STEM Academy

Springfield Storage Locker

Springfield Swap Meet

Springfield Union Station

Springfield University

Springfield Wax Museum

Springfield Wrestling Pavilion

Springfield YMCA

Springfield's Little Italy

Springfielde Glenne Condos

Springsonian Museum

Spuckler Barn

St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Paul's Basilica

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Sebastian's School for Wicked Girls

Stacy's Dream House

Stage 1

Stage 4

Stage Cabin

Stardust Drive-In

Steamed Hams

STEM Conference Hotel

Stolen Bicycle Graveyard

Stomach Staples Center

Stonecutter Daycare Center

Stonecutter Lodge

Stoner's Pot Palace

Stu's Disco

Summer Games Headquarters

Summer Games Villa

Sumo Stadium

Sungazer Studio

Sunken Temple

The Sunsphere

Super Collider

Superior Squad HQ

Surveillance Post

Swanky Fish

Swapper Jack's


T.G.I. McScratchy's

Tacky Festive Simpson House

The Taj Mahal

Tar Pits

Taste of Springfield Festival

Tasteful Festive Flanders House

Tavern on the Scream

Taylor House

Temperance's House

Temple Beth Springfield

Tenta-Corp HQ


Tetanus Terminal

Tex-ida Football Academy


Thai Food Factory

Things Unnecessary

Three Bears House

The Timberlog Diner

Tipsy McStagger's

Tofu Bell

Toilet-Papered Flanders House

Tomorrow's Costington's

The Tooth Chipper

Top Chop Barber Shop

Tourist Information Center

Tower of Babel

Tower of Science

Tower of Springfield

Town Hall

Town Hall Trashed by Partying

Town Plaza

Towne Centre at Springfielde Glenne

Toy Fortress

Toy Town

Toy Workshop

Toys "B" This

Toys Were Us

Transylvania Chalet

Transylvania Cottage

Transylvanian Shaolin Monastery

Tree Steakhouse

Truck Shack

Truck Stop Diner


Tunnel of Love

Turban Outfitters

Turn Your Head and Coif

Tuts 'n' Tots Elementary

Tween Lit Inc.

Twelve-Day Dry Cleaners

Twirl 'N' Hurl

U.S. Capitol Building

Ultimate Fighting Zoo

Ultrahouse 2


Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag

Underground Headquarters

Universal Panacea

University of Heidelberg

Unoriginal Log Ride

Up, Up and Buffet!

UPA Talent Agency

Uriah's Heap Recycling Center

US Military Holding Facility

Valentine's Cooling Towers

Valet Parking

Van Brunt & Churchill Ad Agency

Van Houten House

Van Houten Villa

Vandersniff and Whiffly

The Vast Waistband

Vesuvius Pizza

VHS Village

Vicki Valentine School of Dance

Victarion's Secret

Victor's Secret

Viking Boat Ride

Village Apartments

Vindicators Base

Virgil's Cabin

Volcano Lair

Voodoo, Hexes & Curses

Vulgari Jewelry Store

Walking Kwik-E-Mart

Wall E. Weasel's

Warehouse Hideout

Water Baron Burns Mansion

Waverly Hills Elementary

The Webs

Wes Doobner's Rib Huts

Westminster Abbey

Wet & Smokey Stunt Show

Whack A Real Mole

White House

Whiz-Bang Toy Company

Wholesome & Sons Publishing

Widow's Peak

Wiggum House

Wild West Film Set

Willie's Shack

Wilted Rose

The Withstandinator

Wolfcastle's Mansion

Woodstock Casino

Wooly Bully

Woosterfield Hotel

Wrecked Krusty Burger

Writers Building

X-Cell-Ent Burger

X-mas Trees Slightly Irregular

Yarn Barn

Ye Olde Magick Shoppe

Ye Olde Off-Ramp Inn

Yellow Mountain Tunnel

Yo Yo's Cloud Palace

You Forgot-Me-Nots

You Only Own Twice

Zenith City Apartments

Zenith City Condo

Zenith City Lofts

Zenith City Offices

Zenith City Penthouse

Zenith City Store Front

Zenith City Times


Ziff Hotel

Ziff Mansion

Ziff Wedding Home

Ziff-Bouvier Mansion

ZiffCorp Office Building

Zip Zap and 'Za


"Christmas" Totem

"Money to Burn" Firepit

1958 Car

360 Degree Buffet Table

7200 Ounce Squishee

A.T.F. Van

Abe's Rainbow Statue

Acid Pools

Acne Grease Co. Truck

Adult Skateboards

Aircraft Carrier


Alien Bush

Alien Control Center

Alien Flower

Alien Pod Field

Alien Pod Tree

Alien Portal Device

Alien Spore Cannon

All-Smelling Tower

The Amazing Smoking Monkeys


American Flag

Ancient Burial Ground

Ancient Ornamental Pond

Ancient Ruins

Angel Fossil

Angel Topiary

Angry Christmas Trees

Animal Feeding Area

Animal Habitat Wall

Animal High Wire

Animatronic Bears

Ankle Soaker

Anti-Gutenberg 3000

Apple Tree

Apu's Apocalypse Jeep

Aqua World Fishing Platform

Aqua World Fuel Tank

Aqua World Main Guard Tower

Aqua World Prison Tower

Aqua World Wharf

Arc de Triomphe

Arcade Cabinets

Arcade Cabinets Wall

Ark of the Stonecovenant

Artie Holo-present


ATM Pos-i-bot

Atomic Bomb

Attack Helicopter

Audience Research Table

Auto Yard

Automated Tracking Machine

Award Show Enforcement Bot

Baboon County, USA

Backwater Brewery

Backyard Wrestling Ring

Bagpipe Bus

Balance Beam

Bale of Hay

Ball of Death

Banana Leaf Windmill

Bar Dogs

Barbarian Statue

Barbecue Pit

Barbed Wire Fence

Bare Bronze

Barfy's Bar

Barnacle Bay Lamppost

Barnacle Bay Marina


Bart Balloon

Bart Sphinx

Bart's Casino

Bart's Three-Wheeler

Bart's Tree House

Basketball Court

Basketball Game

Bathtub Brewery

Battle Van


BBQ Grill


Beach Chair

Beach Front Escalier

Beach Hideaway

Beach Towel & Umbrella

Bear Cave

Beast Crib

Beast Toilet


Beer Bottle Fountain



Bent Over Lamppost

Bicycle-Basketball Ramp

Big Bone

Big Butt Skinner Balloon

Big Cat Country

Big Cat Lazy River

Big Cat Lazy Rock

Big Cat Play Area

Big T Tree

Big Tree Root

Billionaire Haven

Biohazard Tower

Biohazard Wall

Bionaut Ship

Bistro Set

Black Hole

Black Leather Plane

Blargsgiving Table

Blasting Bass

Blazing Guy Attendees

Bleeding Gums Cloud

Bling Cup

Blinky Balloon

Blocko Dungeon Set

Bloodbath Gulch Sign


Blue Postal Box

Boardwalk Animals Tent

Boardwalk Art Tent

Boardwalk Bench

Boardwalk Fence

Boardwalk Fountain

Boardwalk Tree

Bodhi Tree

Bomb Shelter

Bone Pile

Bonnie & Clyde Death Car


Bonsai Beings

Book Burning Mobile

Bottomless Pit

Boulangerie Patisserie

Bouncy Horse

Bourbon Street Band

Bowling Lane

Bowling Setup Machine

Bowling Trophy

Box of Fireworks

Boxing Ring

Bramble Hedge


Brazilwood Tree

Bridge Arch Animatronic

British Roundabout

Broken Down Dryer

Broken Down Washer

Brother Faith Van


Buffalo Massacre

Bullet Train Billboard

Bully Bus

Bully-vern's Cave

Bumblebee Man's Tacos

Burger Soldiers

Burning Bush

Burning Tree

Burns Coffin

Burns Dragon Statue

Burns Dragon's Pile of Treasure

Burns Excess Pile

Burns Fever Snowman

Burns Limo

Burns' Chalk Outline

Burns' Escape Pod

Burns' Fountain

Burns' Helicopter

Burns' Vintage Limousine

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Tent

Buzz Cola AI Machine

Buzz Cola Fence

Buzz Cola Tent



Cactus Patch

Cactus Rock

Caged Tom Turkey


Camp Fire

Camping Tent

Canadian Football Players

Candy Apple Island

Candy Cane Fencing

Candy Heaven

Cane Field



Car Pillar

Cardboard Gates

Cardboard Tower

Cardboard Wall

Carl's Dad Caverns

Carnival Banner

Carnival Float

Casino Concierge Kiosk

Castle Gates

Castle Tower

Castle Wall

Cat Bus



Cave Drawing

Cave Wall

Cemetery Plot

Chaise Lounge

Chalk Outline

Chalmers' 1979 _ONDA

Championship Belt

Channel 6 News Van


Checkpoint Park Bench

Cheddarbarrel Combine

Cheering Crowd

Cheese Truck

Cherub Bird Bath

Cherub Topiary

Chess Table

Chest of Sacred Artifacts

Chicken Coop

Chicken-Pulled Chariot

Chinese Junk

Chinese Lantern


Choke Cam

Chopper Ride

Chopping Log

Christmas Beaver Dam

Christmas Carousel

Christmas Clams $50 a Pound

Christmas Fence

Christmas Float

Christmas Houseboat

Christmas Ignorers United Billboard

Christmas Tree Farm

Chrono Trike

Chubby Chaser Chariot

Circle of Death

Circus Cannon

Circus Caravan

Circus Fence

Circus Lion

Circus Rings

Circus Seal

Circus Sign

Circus Tent

Circus Train

Circus Train Car

Classic Entrance

Classic Front Balcony

Classic Garage

Classic Garden

Classic Hot Tub

Classic Mid Building

Classic Side Balcony

Classic Side Building

Classic Small Balcony

Classy Fountain

Claw Machine

Clay Tennis Court

Cletus' Corn Field

Cletus' Monster Truck

Clown Bus

Clown Car

Clown Fire Truck

Cobblestone Wall

Coffee Kart

The Collector Lucite Statue

The Collector's Car

Concert Lights

Concrete Wall

Conflict of Enemies Battle Arena

Conflict of Enemies Indoor Stage


Constant Fountain

Contraception Overlook

Corn Field



County Fair Sign

Court Jester

Court Knights

Covered Bridge

Covered Wagon

Cow Tongues

Cowgirl Sign

Cozy Hammock

Crappy RV

Crashed Police Car

Crashed UFO

Crawl's Bar

Crazy Cat Sleigh

Crazy Plane

Crazy Princess Viewing Area

Crematorium Bot

Cremo Bot

Cristo of Springfield

Crocky Waters

Crowd of Bullies

Crowd of Cosplayers

Crowd of Cranky Elderly

Crowd of Elves

Crowd of Flanders Family Members

Crowd of Gamers

Crowd of Golfers

Crowd of Lawyers

Crowd of Presidential Kids

Crushed Car

Cult Flying Saucer

Cursed Desk

Cursed Ship

Curved Track Piece

Cypress Creek Sign

Da Vinci Aircraft

Damaged Jebediah Statue

Dance Platform

Dancing Children

Danger Pool

Dark Carriage

Dead Drop Mailbox

Dead Tree

Death Table

Death to Homer Missile


Deep Dark Woods

Deep Dome Drill

Demon Car

Demonic Capture Chairs

Derby Souvenirs Stand

Desert Bear Sculpture

Desert Box Tent

Desert Chimp Sculpture

Desert Creature Sculpture

Desert Dog Sculpture

Desert Dome Tent

Desert Dragon Sculpture

Desert Gator Sculpture

Desert Horse Sculpture

Desert Person Sculpture

Desert Planet Sculpture

Desert Public Phone

Desert Totem Pole

Desert Tree

Despair Heights Sign

Destroyed Holiday Wheel

Devil Donuts Cart

Devil Float

Devil Snowman

Devil's Deluge


Ding-A-Ling Bros. Tent

Dining Animals

Dinosaur Lake

Dinosaur Skeleton

Discount Safari Entrance

Discouver Vancouver Bus

Disgruntled Goat

Dizzy Duff Topiary

DMV Limo

Dodgeball Court

Dog Gang

Donut Bench

Donut Boat

Donut Fence

Donut Light Post

Donut Statue

Donut Torture Device

Donut Trash Can

Donut Tray

Donut Truck

Donut Vein

Dormitory Tower

Double Bleachers

Double-Decker Bus

Dragon of Springfieldia

Dragon Tennis Ball Shooter

Dragonfly Rock

Dragons Teeth

Drive-Thru Awning

Drive-Thru Extension

Drive-Thru Platform

Drive-Thru Stairs

Drone Pack

Duck Pond

Duff Beer Fountain

Duff Beer Tree

Duff Beeramid

Duff Blimp

Duff Fence

Duff Float

Duff Gardens Stage

Duff McShark Tank

Duff Party Bus

Duff Party Liner

Duff Puff

Duff Racer

Duff Statue of Liberty

Duff Tent

Duff-Barney Blimp

Duke Druther's Auto Detailing Billboard


Dunk Tank

Dunk the Monk

Dunking Device

Dupes Sign


E.P.A. Hoverjet

E.P.A. Truck

Earthland Realms Blocko Dragon

Easter Banner

Easter Egg Pile

Easter Fence

Easter Flag

Easter Float

Easter Gate

Easter Island God

Easter Pond

Easter Tree

Edgy Duff Topiary

Egyptian Column

Egyptian Outhouse

Egyptian Pillar

Egyptian Playground

Egyptian Sundial

Egyptian Tent

Eisenhower’s 4×4

Elder Blimp

Electric Car

Electric Tree

Elegant Grill


Elephant Pyramid

Elephant Statue

Elf Cannon

Elf Cave

Elf Day Care Door

Elf Ears Machine

Elf Home

The Eliminator

Elixir Mixer

The Emu Experience

Enlightenment Fountain

ePhone 67 Billboard

ESBN Sports Desk

Evil Candy Cave

Excavation Site

Excellence Prize Statue

Exotic Pond

Exotic Tree


Fair Booth

Fairy Fields

Fake Toll Booth

Famous Milk Cans

Fancy Bush

Fancy Fence

Fancy Gate

Fancy Gold Tree

Fancy Igloo

Fancy Lampost

Fancy Oval Fountain

Fancy Tree

Fancy Wall

Fancy Wrestling Ring

Fat Chalk Outline

Fat Dog Hell

FBI Agents


Female Gnome

Festival Fence

Festive Candycane

Festive Carolers

Festive Hot Drink Stand

Festive Lawn Angel

Festive Light Plunger

Festive Nutcracker

Festive Trashcan Fire

Fever Cabin

Ficus Plant

Field Trip Memorial

Fifty-Year Ice Cream Supply

Filth Wagon

Fir is Murder Christmas Tree

Fire Truck

Fireworks Barge

Fireworks Control Panel

First Bank of Springfield ATM

First Ever Christmas Tree

First Prime Minister of Australia Statue

Fit Dog Heaven

Five Alarm Chili

Five Corners


Flake Blaster

Flaming Christmas Tree

Flaming Green Derby Car

Flaming Torch

Flanders Car Pos-i-bot

Flanders Family Reunion Banner

Flanders Family Tome

Flanders' Frozen Car

Flanders' Personal Hell

Fleet-A-Pita Van

Floor Speaker

Flower Cart of Love

Flower Hedge

Flower Planter


Flying Bats

Flying Brachiosaurus

Flying Car

Fogbury Cemetery

Fogburyport Sign

Foggy Swamp

Foo Temple Dog

Food Truck Graveyard

Football Field

Football Tire Target

Football Uprights

Forbidden Tree

Forest Cave

Forest Grove

Forest Stream

Forgotten Gold Treasure

Forgotten Grave

Fort Adventure

Fortune Teller Machine


Fountain of Love

Fountain of Tomorrow

Fractured Moon

Fragrant Spy-acinths

Freak Show Tent


French Fountain

Fried Dough Stand

Frink-thetic Egg Generator Mk I

Frink-thetic Egg Generator Mk II

Frink's Mechano Spider

Frinkiac 7

Frinkosonic MHV

Frontier Camp

Frontier Cemetery

Frontier Fence

Frontier Gate

Frontier Wagon

Frontier Water Tower


Furious Fliers

Future Duff Sign

Future Limo

Future Military Jeep

Future Monument

Future Street Lamp

Futuristic Satellite

Futuristic Street Light


Garbage Bin

Garbage Can

Garbage Island

Garbage Pile

Garbage Truck


Gargoyle Wall

Gas Pump

Gate to Nowhere

Gates of Heaven


Gelato Stand

Geriatric Park Exploration Pods

Geriatric Park Front Gate

Geriatric Park Helicopter

Geriatric Park Jeep

Geriatric Park Wall

Geriatric Snowman

Ghost Cemetery

Ghost Pirate Airship

Ghost Zapper

Giant Burning Goat

Giant Buzz Cola Can

Giant Crystal Ball

Giant Ferris Wheel

Giant Grasshopper

Giant Jelly Can

Giant Lobster Scorpion

Giant Mushrooms

Giant Outdoor Fireplace

Giant Robot

Giant Snake in a Tree

Giant Snow Globe

Giant Takeout Box

Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Simpsons House

Give Apes the Vote Billboard


Globex Balloon

Globex Operations Wing

Globex R&D Wing

Gnome Box

Gnome-in-the-Home Dome Automatons

Go-Go Ray

Goat God Statue

Goat Head Statue

Gold Bars

Gold Mail Box

Gold Palm Tree

Golddiggers Sign

Golden Buddha

Golden Calf Idol

Golden Train

Golden Wrestler Statue

Golf Ball Washer

Golf Cart

Golf Clubs

Golf Course

Golf Course Fountain

Golf Tee Box


Gone Fission

Gorgeous Grampa Billboard

Grand Canal

Grand Chasm

The Grand Pumpkin

Grandpa Van Houten's RV

Grape Stomping Vat

Grass Field

Grassy Area

Grayson Mathers' Sports Car

Great Plains

Great Wall Section

Great Wall Tower

Green Beer Fountain

Green Bin

Greenpeace Boat

Greyhound Sleigh

Grill Patio

Grog Barrel

The Grumple Balloon


Gum Drop Rocks

Guts of War Statue

Hail Ants Sign

Halloween Balloons

Halloween Horror Night Billboard

Halloween Party Wall


Hanging Streetlamp

Hangman Cage

Harpoon Hill

Harpooned Heart Billboard

Haunted Crossroads

Haunted Stables

Hay Bale

Hay Cart

Heart Cloud

Heathrow Teleportation Departures


Heavenly Deaf Jam

Heavenly Fence

Heavenly Garage

Heavenly Golf Course

Heavenly Playscape

Heavenly Water Slide


Heimlich Machine


Hell Globe

Hell Graduation Banner

Hell Kids

Hell Scientists

Hellfire Pepper Cactus

Hellfish Treasure Chest

Hellport Pentagram

Herbal Spinach Cart

Herbicide Squirter

Hero Clothesline

Hi-Glow Waste Barrels

Hideaway Bridge

Hideaway Deck

Hideaway Gazebo

Hideaway Hut

Hideaway Platform

Hideaway Pool

Hideaway Stairs

Hideaway Walkway

Hideaway Walkway (No Roof)

Hieroglyph Wall

High Voltage Transformer


Hilarium Pool

Hitched Horse

Hitching Post


Holiday Bear Sculpture

Holiday Chimp Sculpture

Holiday Creature Sculpture

Holiday Dog Sculpture

Holiday Dragon Sculpture

Holiday Gator Sculpture

Holiday Horse Sculpture

Holiday Person Sculpture

Holiday Tree

Hollow Snake Trunk

Holo Tulips




The Homer

Homer Decoy

Homer Fever Snowman

Homer Whale

Homer's Ballet

Homer's Bomb Shelter

Homer's Car

Homer's Grave

Homer's Hammock

Homer's Hedge

Homer's Motorcycle

Homer's Snowmobile

Homer's Workbench

Homerclese Statue

Homerland Admission



Horse Trough

Horse-Drawn SUV

Hot Air Balloon

Hot Dog Cart

Hot Dog Cooker Bot

Hot Dog Maker

Hot Roasted Chestnuts Cart

Hot Springs

Hot Squishee Station

Hot Tub

Hotdog Stand

House Frame


Hover Bench

Hover Street Sign


Howl Hill

Huge Tree

Human Foosball Table

Human Sized Body Bags Truck

Human Test Subject

I Choo-Choo Choose You Train

I'm-On-A-Rolla Gay

Ian's Car

Ice Cream Truck

Ice Fence

Ice Fishing Shack

Ice God

Ice Sculpture

Ice Sculpture Couch Gag Scene

Ice Skating Rink

The Impossible Tower

Improvised Snare

Inanimate Carbon Rod Monument

Inflatable Gorilla and Baboons

Injury 500

Injury 500 Corner

Injury 500 Long Track

Injury 500 Short Track

Insanity Cauldron

Iron Railing

Iron Wall


The Island of Dr. Hibbert

Itchy & Scratchy Billboard

Itchy & Scratchy Helicopter

Itchy & Scratchy Land Banner

Itchy & Scratchy Land Gate

Itchy & Scratchy Land Ticket Booth

Itchy & Scratchy Rocket

Itchy Balloon

Itchy Parking Lot

Itchy Scratchy Corner


Jack-O-Lantern Bouncy House

Japanese Cherry Tree

Japanese Lantern (Small)

Japanese Maple Tree

Jay G's Pool

Jebediah Statue

Jesus Christ Super Car

Jesus Fish

Jet Engine Bike

Jet Ski

Jockey Chalk Outline

Jungle Mud Pits

Jungle Rest Area

Junk Barrier

Junk Lookout

K9 Unit

Kang Topiary

Kearneymon's Alley

Keep Out Sign

Key to the City

Khlav Kalash Stand

Kid Wall

The Killotuine


King Chili Tent

King Homer's Skyscraper

King Mitothin Statue

King Winter's Cave


Kitchen Carnival

Klub Krusty Pool


Knock Over The Fuzzy Guy

Kodos Topiary

Krusketeer's Set

Krusty Burger Oil Rig

Krusty Christmas Slime Billboard

Krusty Fountain

Krusty Sleigh

Krusty Stage

Krusty Water Tower

Krusty's Christmas Special Billboard

Krusty's Kristmas Karol Billboard

Krusty's Sports Car

Krusty's Stunt Doubles Autograph Booth

Krustyland Bench

Krustyland Cotton Candy Stand

Krustyland Fence

Krustyland Shuttle

Krustyland Turnstile

Krustyland Wall

La Bicyclette

Lady Justice Statue

Lamborgotti Fasterossa

Lamp Post

Land Octopus Pen

Land of Fruits and Vegetables

Laramie Vending Machine

Lard Lad Donut

Lard Land Coffee Stand

Lard Land Ferris Wheel

Lard Land Fountain

Lard Land Sign

Lard Land Snack Stand

Large Dune

Large Iceberg

Large Mushrooms

Large Pagan Tent

Large Parking Lot

Laser Light

Last Gasp Stage

Lava Machine

Lavender Field

Lawn Bell

Lawn Chair

Lee Carvallo Standee

Left-Handed Roadster

Leftorium Express

Lemon Tree

Lemonade Stand

Leprechaun Statue

Lewd's Bar

Liberty Bell

Life-Size Prince Albert in a Can

Life-sized Spruce Moose

Life-Sized Visible Man

Lifeguard Tower

Light-up Elder God


Lincoln Memorial

Lisa Lionheart Display

Lisa M. Simpson Foundation Rocket

Lisa Statue of Liberty

Lisa's Kiddie Car

A Little Bit of Lenny

Little Dune

Little Lady Justice

Live-4-Ever Boat

Lobster Island

Log Pile

Log Ride

Log Ride Corner

Log Ride Long Track

Log Ride Loop

Log Ride Plunge

Log Ride Short Track

Lollipop Flowers

Love Bench

Love Planter

Love Tester

Lovely Fence

Lovely Flower Cart

Lovely Gazebo

Lovely Lampost

Low Blow Boxing

Lucite Container

Luminescent Flowers

Luxury Yacht

Mabel's Wagon

Macaroni's Shed

Mafia Car

Magic Academy Castle Gate

Magic Academy Castle Wall

Magic Academy Courtyard

Magic Academy Ruins

Magic Mirror

Magical Essence Sucker

Male Gnome

Malibu Stacy Cart

Mall Santa Wish Center

Mall-O-Rail Awning

Mall-O-Rail Extension

Mall-O-Rail Platform

Mall-O-Rail Stairs

Mammoth Statue

Manhole Station

Mansion Gardens Gazebo

Mansion Gardens Pillar

Mansion Gardens Planter

Mansion Gardens Platform

Mansion Gardens Pond

Mansion Gardens Square

Mansion Gardens Statue

Mansion Gardens Tree Line

Manual Power Generator

Maple Tree

Marching Band Arcade

Marge Sculpture Garden

Marge Tetherball

Marge's Station Wagon

Marine One

Marine World Fountain

Marine World Sign

Mars Colony

Marshmallow Tree

Martian Vacation

Marvin Monroe's Tombstone

Mattress King Dinner Table

Mayan Calendar

The Mayflower

Mead Crates

Meat Can

Meat Propaganda Billboard

Mech Robot

Mechanical Ant Alpha

Mechanical Ant Beta

Mechanical Ant Delta

Mechanical Ant Gamma

Mechanical Ghost

Medieval Banner

Medieval Gate

Medieval Tent

Medium Iceberg

Memorial Church Sign

Menorah Pile

Mermaid Petting Zoo

Metal Boardwalk Railing

Meteor Egg

Mike's Slices Pizza Truck

Milhouse Balloon Archway

Milhouse Bounce House

Milhouse Chinese Dragon

Milhouse Pool and Zipline

Milhouse Squishee Machine

Milhouse's Scooter

Milhouse's Trailer

Mini Golf Castle

Miniature Nuclear Warhead

Minnow Pond

Mirage Ahead Sign

Mirrored Globo-Warm Helicopter

Mirrored Streetlight

Mirrored Toilet Gator

Missile Bunker

Mob Crowd

Mobile Dome

Modern Art Statue

Modern Awning

Modern Fountain

Modern Garage

Modern Lower Balcony

Modern Middle Building

Modern Pool

Modern Side Building

Modern Solar Panel

Modern Upper Balcony

Moe's Convertible

Moe's Express

Moe's Express Lemonade

Money Mountain

Money Pool

Money Tree

Monkey Bars

Monkey's Paw Shop

Monsarno Flower Wall

Monsarno Founder Statue

Monster Couch

Monster Treehouse


Moonshine Shack

Mortician Carriage

Motorcycle with Sidecar

Mound of Stolen Wallets

Mount Carlmore

Mount Fuji

Movementarian Ad Truck

Movementarian Recruiters

Movie Camera

Movie Light

Mr. McGrew's Stovepipe Oven

Mr. Plow's Plow

Mr. Powers Car

Mr. Sparkle Billboard

Mt. Swartzwelder Cider Mill Sign

Muckville USA

Mulberry Island

Murdered Snowman



Museum of Modern Bart

Museum of Zippers

Music Automaton

Nativity Recycling

Nativity Scene

Natural Faberge Egg

Ned's Camper

Ned's Plow Car

Nerd Gold


Nero's Fountain

Nero's Palace Arch

Nero's Wall

Network Headquarters

New God Mr. Burns Statue

New Year's Ball

Newark Newark Sign

Newspaper Dispenser

Nightmare Pile

Nightmare Willie

Non-Weiner Wall

Norbert's Plane

The North Pole

North Pole Columns

North Pole Elf Cabins

North Pole Monorail Extension

North Pole Reindeer Stables

North Pole Station Awning

North Pole Station Platform

North Pole Station Stairs

Not a Laser Shark Pool

Not Responsible for Injuries Park

Nothing to See Here

Now Leaving Springfield Sign


Obstacle Log

Obstacle Tires

Obstacle Wall

Obstacle Wire

Ocean Suite

Offering Stone

Oil Well

Oktoberfest Gate

Old Faithless

Old Gray Mare

Old Mine

Old Ruins

Old Tree Spirit

Old TV

Old West Sign

Old West Stage Background

Olmec Head

Orange Tree

Orb of Isis

Ornate Pier

Ornate Pier Bench

Ornate Pier Post

Ornate Pier Railing

Ornate Ruin Wall

Orthodox Ambulance

Oscar's Obstacles Truck

Outdoor Feast Table

Outdoor Half-Court

Outdoor Opera Seats

Outdoor Opera Ticket Booth

Outland Sign

Outlands Gate

Outlands Water Tower

Oyster Eating Table

Paddy Wagon

PaDubba the Dubsteppa

Pagan Bonfire

Pagan Cauldron

Pagan Fence

Pagan Hall

Pagan Hut

Pagan Winter Carnival Sign

Pageant Stage


Painted Home

Painted Horse

Palm Tree

Panini Press

Parachute Target

Parade Roller Station

Parade Train Station

The Paralyzer


Parents' Island Gate

Parked Hover Car

Parking Lot

Parking Lot Lot Lot

Party Elephant

Party Limo

Pastel Picket Fence

Patio Table

Patriotic Box of Fireworks

Pavilion Tent

PaZIFFic Princess

Peace Marker Ray Gun

Peanut Cart

Peek-At-Em Park

People Catcher Truck

Perfect Beer Truck

Perfect Game Balloon

Personalized Talking Astrolabe

Petting Zoo Awning

Pharaoh Tent

Pharaoh Throne

Pharaoh's Sarcophagus

Phone Booth

Picket Fence

Picnic Spot

Picnic Table

Picture on a Rembrandt

Pie Man Epic Statue

Pie Wall


Piece-of-Crap Car

Pies and Explosives Pile

Pig Balloon

Pig of Paradise Pen

Pile of Gold

Pile of Presents

Pinwheel Firework

Pirate Animatronic

Pirate Booty

Pirate Cannon

Pirate Fire Pit

Pirate Prison

Pirate Ship

Pirate Treasure


Plane Bot

Plastic Prison

Plato's Republic Column

Plato's Republic Fountain

Plato's Republic Sign

Players Club Tower

Playscape Barrier

Playscape Lookout

Plow King's Plow

Plowed Field

Plum Tree

Pod Patch

Poinsettia Flowers

Police Boat

Police Call Box

Police Car

Police Helicopter

Police Motorcycle

Police Tank

Polo Field

Pompeii Ruins

Pont du Gard

Poochie Parade Balloon

Poochie's Car


Pop Star Plane

Popcorn Stand

Popsicle Stick Disco Stu

Popsicle Stick Patty & Selma

Pot "O" Gold Float

Pot Belly Pigeon Feeder


Pow-Wow's Casino Sign

Practice Rink

Practice Snake

Praiseland Gate

Praiseland Statue

Praiseland Wall

Prehistoric Foliage

Prehistoric Jungle

Present Depot

Pride Billboard

Pride Car

Pride Crosswalk

Pride Hydrant

Pride of Ulster Banner

Primate Jungle Gym


Prison Bus

Pristine 1958 Car

Project Board

Prom Photo Booth

Pterodactyl Nest

Public Restroom with Confusing Signage

Pumpkin Carriage

Pumpkin Patch



Quantum Tunnel

Queasy Duff Topiary

Queen's Carriage

Queen's Guard



Quimby's Broken Promises Billboard

Rabbit Hedge

Race Car Statue

Rad Mobile

The Rad-ish Station

Radioactive Man Billboard

Radioactive Ooze Pit

Radstation Air Fortress

Rainbow Balloons

Rainbow Flag

Rainbow Tree


The Rappin' Rabbis

Rapture Bus

Rat Trap Delivery Truck

Ray Gun

Reality Channel Van


Recycled Gates

Recycled Tower

Recycled Wall

Recycling Bin

Red Brick Wall

Red Dragon

Red Trashcan

Redstar Barge

Redstar Helicopter


Remorseful Duff Topiary

Residential Mailbox

Resort Annex

Resort Balcony

Resort Elevator

Resort Entrance

Resort Gardens

Resort Stairway

Resort Tower

Resort Wing

Retirement Castle Excursion Shuttle

Reunion Dance Floor

Reunion Limo

The Rich Texan Sleigh

Rickety Bridge

Rickety Fence

Rigellian Chalk Outline

Rigellian Christmas Wall

Rigellian Infant Pod Transmitter

Rigellian Queen

Rigellian Queen Festive Facade

Rigellian Shrub

Ring Toss

Riot Police

Road Monster XXXL 550

Roadside Car Football Launcher

Robby The Automaton

Robot Homer

Robot Rumble Trophy

Robot Walker

Rock and a Hard Place

Rock Camp Entrance

Rock Camp Thread Shed

Rock Formation

Rock N' Roll Cart

Rock Neon Sign

Rock Pile

Rock Pillar

Rocket Car

Rocket Launch Pad

Rocket Pigs

Roger Meyers Sr. Statue

Roller Coaster Weirdos

Rolling Rock

Rommelwood Statue

Rose Arch

Rose Bush

Rotating Religious Holo-Statue


Royal MyPod

Rude Crowd

Ruffian Barrier

Ruffian Lookout

Ruined Wall


Runway Corner

Runway Light

Runway Straight

Rusty the Clown Balloon

S Curve Piece

S.W.A.T. Van

Sacred Parchment

Sacrifice Your Sheep to Odin

Salt Mandala

Sand Bunker

Sand Trap ATV

Sand Tropez

Sands of Space Battle Car

Sands of Space Billboard

Sands of Space Costume Rack

Sands of Space Crystal Monument

Sands of Space Exterior Set

Sands of Space Interior Set

Sands of Space Laser Drill

Sands of Space Spaceship

Sandstone Statue

Sani-John Smokehouse

Santa Homie

Santa Teresa Tram

Santa's Little Helper Balloon

Santa's Little Helper Topiary

Santa's Plane Sled

Santa's Workshop Sign

Sarsaparilla Tree

Satan's Anvil

Satan's Path

Satellite Station

Scammer and Z-Dog Vending Machine

Scary Dock


Scout Tent

Scratchy Balloon

Scratchy Parking Lot

Screamapillar Pond

Sea Captain Sleigh

Seasonal Workers

Secret Agent Car

Secret Bus Shelter

Secret Singing Stone


Self-Flying Sled

Señor Ding Dong's Doorbell Fiesta Van

Sensory Deprivation Tank

Sepulcher of Evil

Sequence Fountain

The Serfson's Mailbox

Shadow Knight's Throne

Shady Tree

Shallow Grave

Shamrock Topiary

Shelbyville Bluffs

Shelbyville Manhattan Statue

The Shinning Maze

Shinto Shrine


Shiva Statue

Shopping Cart Pile-Up

Short Track Piece

Shower Computer


Siddmartha's Ponies

Sideshow Mel Corner

Sideshow Mel Monster Truck

Sideshow Mel Sleigh

Sideshow You

Simpson Car Pos-i-bot

Simpson Houseboat

Simpson's Hover Car

Simpsons Derby Car

Simpsons Gingerbread Couch

Simpsons Snowmen

Singing Stone

Single Bleachers

Sir Loin-A-Lot

Sir Love-A-Lot

Siren Masthead

Sjoelbak Table

Skeleton Pile

Ski Lift

Skinner Box Kite

Skinner Sarcophagus

Skull Flag

Sky Finger Monument


Slaughterhouse Express

Sleazy Duff Topiary


Small Gold Plant

Small Iceberg

Small Island

Small Pagan Tent

Small Plant

Small Rubble Pile

Smashius Clay

Smoke Machine

Snake Eating Rudolph

Snake Rocks

Snake Speakers

Snake Statue

Snake Stump


Snow Mobile

Snowball II Balloon

Snowperson Security Guard

Snowy Christmas Hill

Soccer Net

Socialize Your Hermit Crab

Solid Gold Brick Wall

Solid Gold Fence

Solvang Air

South Pole

Southern Cracker Fountain

Space Shuttle Simulator

Space Simulator

Space Station

Space-time Continuum

SPD Blimp

Speaker Stack

SPF 60 Adventure


Spider Bart Trees

Spooky Brambles

Spooky Dark Plunger

Spooky Gorge

Spooky Grove

Spooky Shed

Spooky Shrub

Spooky Tent

Spooky Tree

Spooky Wall

Sports Winners Stand


Spring King Ned's Convertible

Springfield Cursed Forest

Springfield Dam

Springfield Demolition Derby Seats

Springfield Demolition Derby Sign

Springfield Desert State Park Sign

Springfield Dog Park

Springfield Falls

Springfield Forest Sign

Springfield Forever Cemetery

Springfield Games Cauldron

Springfield Games Podium

Springfield Glen Entrance

Springfield Gorge

Springfield Heights Gate

Springfield Lake

Springfield Memorial Bridge

Springfield National Park

Springfield of Tomorrow Sign

Springfield Park Entrance

Springfield Penitentiary Bus

Springfield Pet Fair Booth

Springfield Pet Fair Fence

Springfield Pet Fair Sign

Springfield Pin Stand

Springfield Public Schools Snowmobile

Springfield Scale Model

Springfield Sculpture Garden

Springfield Sign

Springfield Skate Park

Springfield Tire Yard Secret Lair

Springfield Zoo Entrance

Springfield Zoo Wall

Springfieldia Gate

Springfieldia Long Wall

Springfieldia Short Wall

Springfieldia Tower Wall

Spruce Caboose

Spy Carriage

Squid and Sailor

Squidport Entrance

Squishee Machine Bot

St. Patrick's Day Banner

St. Patrick's Flag

St. Peter's Desk

The Stable at the Inn

Stack of Beer

Stacking Sheep

Stadium Entrance

Stadium Fence

Stadium Lights

Stage Building

Stage Coach

Stage Cornfield

Stage Tree

Stage Turret

Stairway to Hell

Stampy Balloon

Starline Commander

Station Awning

Station Extension

Station Platform

Station Stairs

Statue of Burns

Stiletto Sculpture


Stolen Bumper Car

Stone Arch

Stone Gate

Stone of Triumph

Stonecutter Table

Stonecutter Tunnel

Stonecutter Tunnel (Entry)

Stop Sign

Stormy Island

Straight Track Piece

Street Soccer Court

Strike Three

Strupo Statue

Stunt Bike

Stunt Cannon

Suffoclock of Sandy Doom

Sugarloaf Mountain

Sultry Sows of the South Seas

Sumatran Century Flower

Summoning Circle

Sun Blocker 2


Sungazer Tour Bus

Sunset Cruise Boat

Super Jeb

Surly Duff Topiary

Surveillance Van

Suspicious Dirt Pile

Swamp Land

Swap Meet Stage


T-Ball Stand

Tabitha Vixx Stage


Tall Shrub

Tar Field

Tar Pit

Tarot Table

Taste of Duff Beer Truck

Teeny's Choice Chimp Diapers

Teleporter Alpha

Teleporter Billboard

Teleporter Omega

Teleporter Theta

Teleporter Zeta

The Ten Commandments

Tennis Court

Tennis Machine

Tentacle Tree


Terminal Awning

Terminal Extension

Terminal Platform

Terminal Stairs

Terraced House


Three-Eyed Sushi

Three-Eyed Whale

Tiki Bar

Time Mobile

Time Snowboarder Display

Time Travel Delivery Service

Tinkle in the Wind

Tipsy Duff Topiary

Tire Fence

Tire Fire

Tire Fireplace

Tire Mooring Post

Tongue-Kiss Point


Torture Conveyor Belt

Torture Locker

Torture Stand

Tower of Tetanus

Town Square

Toxic Waste Lake

Toy Train

Toy Workshop Bell

Training Dummy

Training Grounds

Training Plane

Training Wall

Trampoline World

Transylvania Welcome Sign

Traveling Circus

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest (Burns Dragon's Pile of Treasure)


Tree of Knowledge

Tree Stump Fauna

Tree Swing


Treestache's Grove


Triceratops Statue

Triple Bleachers

Tropical Island

Truck Truck Truck


Truckasaurus II

Try and Stop Us Billboard

Tube Slide

Tundra Hopper

Tunnel of Love Cave

Turkey Stuffer

Two-Story Outhouse


Ultra Luxury Yacht

Underground Piano

Unfinished Shed

Unlicensed Taxi

Unruly Crowd

US Army Alien Hunting Helicopter

USS Tom Clancy

Uter's Candy Paradise

Vacant Cloud

Vacation to Venus Sign

Valentine's Balloons

Valentine's Pond

Valentine's Tree

Valet Booth

Vampire Casket

Vehicle Pileup

Velvet Rope

Vending Machine

Venus De Milo

Victorian UFO

Vigilant Town Square


The Void

Volleyball Net

Vulture Tree

Wailing Wall

Walk of Fame Star

Walk-In Therapy Stand


Watchful Billboard

Water Show Fountain

Water Toads

Waterslide Tree


Wavy-arm Elder God

Weapon Rack

Weather Station

Wedgie Skeleton

Weiner Wall

Welcome Bob Sign

Welcome to Springfield Arch

Welcome to Springfield Sign

Wet 'N' Wacky World Sign

Wet Sari Contest


Whacking Day Banner

Whacking Mugs Stalls

Whacking Stick Stall

Whacking T-Shirt Stall


Wheat Field

Wheel Of Chance

White Dragon

White Witch Burns Sleigh

Whitewashed Fence


Wiggops' Station

Wiggum Parade Balloon

Wild Animal Kingdom Sign

Wildlife Sanctuary

Willie's Haggis Booth

Willie's Tractor

Willow Tree

Wind Sock


Wine Barrels

Wishing Well

Wolf Rock


Wooden Barrel

Wooden Soldiers

Wooly Mammoth Pen

Work From Home Station

The World's Biggest Ribbon

World's Largest Redwood

World's Largest Zirconia

Worldwide Broadcast Dish

Worm Train

Wrestlers Dressing Room


X-Ray Machine

X-Ray Truck

XMAS Trees Lot

XP Collider

Yard Work Simulator

Ye Olde Cherry Tree

Year of the Rooster Statue

Yellow Dragon

Yellow Submersible

Yokel Truck

Zenith City Billboard

Zenith City Bin

Zenith City Mailbox

Zenith City Phone Booth

ZiffCorp Sign

Zombie Sandwich

Zombie Years Billboard

Zombies and Ghouls Billboard

Zoo Statue

Zoo Viewing Platform


Zoominator Corner

Zoominator Long Track

Zoominator Loop

Zoominator Plunge

Zoominator Short Track

Title Screen Artworks



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