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Barnacle Wilhelm
Category MS-DOS
Submitter 16-Bit Globe
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Hits 8,831
Comments 5

Barnacle Wilhelm
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Jun 18, 2024, 2:06 PM
So, that means:

Dr. Schabbs was edited to become Otto Giftmacher, who was then edited to become General Fettgesicht (or Fatface if you prefer), who was then edited to become Barnacle Wilhelm. And then Wilhelm was edited to become Dr. Quarkblitz in the FormGen Episodes.

Dear fuck.
Dec 9, 2023, 10:07 AM
yknow i just realized something. this dude is just a bunch of edits
im pretty sure hes edited from general fettgesicht and his death anim is a mix of hans deaths anim at the start and then a sprite from fettgesicht at the end. he just becomes 20 times more bloody when he dies too and his boots change color not to mention the fact his hands are cubes
Oct 13, 2023, 5:29 AM
clearly the time the other id devs were spending making this game instead of doom was very well spent
Jun 2, 2022, 2:00 PM
Hulk Hogan
Aug 10, 2020, 7:26 PM
Looks like a Roblox noob
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