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WarioWare: Get It Together!
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Category Nintendo Switch
Sheets 258
Hits 289,812
Comments 20
WarioWare: Get It Together!
WarioWare: Get It Together!
Alien Trap
Alien Trap
Alphabet Fruit
Alphabet Fruit
Answer Me!
Answer Me!
Appealing Mask
Appealing Mask
Apple Drop
Apple Drop
Archer Assist
Archer Assist
Balance the Scales
Balance the Scales
Bamboo Falls
Bamboo Falls
Bare Banana
Bare Banana
Bare Necessities
Bare Necessities
Baseball Break-In
Baseball Break-In
Basically Water Polo
Basically Water Polo
Basket and Ball
Basket and Ball
Big Brain Academy
Big Brain Academy
A Big Fan
A Big Fan
Blended? Splendid!
Blended? Splendid!
Block Puzzle
Block Puzzle
Blow Your Horn
Blow Your Horn
Bottle Ball
Bottle Ball
Bounce Back
Bounce Back
Boxed Up
Boxed Up
Boxing Cowards
Boxing Cowards
Break the Bank
Break the Bank
Break the Ice
Break the Ice
Bubble Count
Bubble Count
Bug Out
Bug Out
A Call to Fall
A Call to Fall
Caution: Slippery
Caution: Slippery
Cheeky Beaker
Cheeky Beaker
Chompy Chirpers
Chompy Chirpers
Choo-Choo Choose
Choo-Choo Choose
Circuit of Life
Circuit of Life
The Cleaners
The Cleaners
Cloudy with a Chance of Sun
Cloudy with a Chance of Sun
Collision Course
Collision Course
Crash Course
Crash Course
Crayfish Crash
Crayfish Crash
Defend the Flowers
Defend the Flowers
Delivery Center
Delivery Center
Dessert Defender
Dessert Defender
Destiny Game
Destiny Game
Devil World
Devil World
Dig It
Dig It
Do Feed the Giraffe
Do Feed the Giraffe
Doggone Thirsty
Doggone Thirsty
Don't Waste the Paste
Don't Waste the Paste
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Dragon's Reign
Dragon's Reign
Drawbridge Dilemma
Drawbridge Dilemma
Drop Zone
Drop Zone
Egg It On
Egg It On
Ele-Conga & Autoplayer
Ele-Conga & Autoplayer
Eye Exam
Eye Exam
Face Wash
Face Wash
Factory Tour
Factory Tour
Fall for You
Fall for You
Family Reunion
Family Reunion
Feast Your Eyes on This
Feast Your Eyes on This
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Works
Fire Works
Fishy Felines
Fishy Felines
Flammable Goods
Flammable Goods
Flee the Flashlight
Flee the Flashlight
Fluff It Out
Fluff It Out
Foggy Glasses
Foggy Glasses
Game & Watch Judge
Game & Watch Judge
Garbage Day
Garbage Day
Garden Secrets
Garden Secrets
Garlic Catch
Garlic Catch
Get Away, Ghost!
Get Away, Ghost!
Get Swole
Get Swole
Gimme Five
Gimme Five
Gold Digger
Gold Digger
Gondola Lift
Gondola Lift
Good Times
Good Times
Great Escape
Great Escape
Great Juice
Great Juice
Hidden Holidays
Hidden Holidays
Hit the Switch
Hit the Switch
Hot Hoops
Hot Hoops
Hot Spot
Hot Spot
Hot-Air Heroics
Hot-Air Heroics
Ice Climbers
Ice Climbers
Ice-Cream Lean
Ice-Cream Lean
Inside the Storm
Inside the Storm
Is Anyone Home?
Is Anyone Home?
Keeping Track
Keeping Track
Kitty Business
Kitty Business
Land in the Sand
Land in the Sand
Laser Labyrinth
Laser Labyrinth
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Zip Archive
Light the Cake
Light the Cake
Like It or Leave It
Like It or Leave It
Look Both Ways
Look Both Ways
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Magic Trickery
Manic Mechanic
Manic Mechanic
Manneken Pis
Manneken Pis
Matching Masks
Matching Masks
Matchy Matryoshka
Matchy Matryoshka
Mean Magic
Mean Magic
Mermaid Tears
Mermaid Tears
Missing Remote
Missing Remote
Mole in One
Mole in One
Monochrome Creatures
Monochrome Creatures
Mouths to Feed
Mouths to Feed
A Moving Experience
A Moving Experience
Muscle Out
Muscle Out
Mushroom Doom
Mushroom Doom
Music Mischief
Music Mischief
Mystifying Mirror
Mystifying Mirror
Nail the Nail
Nail the Nail
New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Mario Bros. U
Nightmare Fuel
Nightmare Fuel
Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nintendo Badge Arcade
Note-Able Art
Note-Able Art
Ocean Hero
Ocean Hero
Perfect Percussion
Perfect Percussion
Piggy Pluck
Piggy Pluck
Pipe Maze
Pipe Maze
Pit Stop
Pit Stop
Please Reef-Cycle
Please Reef-Cycle
Pop Goes the Party
Pop Goes the Party
Pop-Up Patrol
Pop-Up Patrol
Potty Pursuit
Potty Pursuit Zip Archive
The Power of Magnets!
The Power of Magnets!
Pump It Up
Pump It Up
Pushed to the Edge
Pushed to the Edge
Ready to Launch
Ready to Launch
Ready, Set, Warp!
Ready, Set, Warp!
Reel 'em In
Reel 'em In
Ride the Line
Ride the Line
Rock Candy
Rock Candy
Rock Climber
Rock Climber
Rock On!
Rock On!
Rocket Rush
Rocket Rush
Roll Cake
Roll Cake
Roll Call
Roll Call
Safari Tour
Safari Tour
Same but Different
Same but Different
Sand-Trap Scoop
Sand-Trap Scoop
Sanitation Station
Sanitation Station
Sayonara, Snakes
Sayonara, Snakes
Seeing Stars
Seeing Stars
Seesaw Space Race
Seesaw Space Race
Shadow Sports
Shadow Sports
Shoo, Fly!
Shoo, Fly!
Shot Blocker
Shot Blocker
Shutter Speed
Shutter Speed
Slathered in Ketchup
Slathered in Ketchup
Sleep Clinic
Sleep Clinic
Slime Time
Slime Time
Snowman Assembly
Snowman Assembly
So Kneady
So Kneady
Sort It Out
Sort It Out
Spiky Wario
Spiky Wario
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 Zip Archive
Spoke Too Soon
Spoke Too Soon
Star Light
Star Light
Stick to It
Stick to It
Stop the Stopper
Stop the Stopper
Stop Thief!
Stop Thief!
Stove Slider
Stove Slider
Strike Gold
Strike Gold
Stroke of Genius
Stroke of Genius
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Swing and a Kiss
Swing and a Kiss
Take a Seat
Take a Seat
Tempest in a Teapot
Tempest in a Teapot
There's a Monster Behind You!
There's a Monster Behind You!
The Tooth Hurts
The Tooth Hurts
Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt
Tummy Trouble
Tummy Trouble
Turtle Tipper
Turtle Tipper
Umbrella Brothers
Umbrella Brothers
Unlock Me
Unlock Me
The Vampire Arose
The Vampire Arose
Veggie Out!
Veggie Out!
Virus Buster
Virus Buster
The Waiter Awaits
The Waiter Awaits
WarioWare: Twisted!
WarioWare: Twisted!
Water You Waiting For?
Water You Waiting For?
Wayward Cyborg
Wayward Cyborg
Wayward Water
Wayward Water
Web Surfer
Web Surfer
Wedding Bells
Wedding Bells
A Weighty Matter
A Weighty Matter
Weird Windmill
Weird Windmill
What a Haul!
What a Haul!
Wheel You or Won't You
Wheel You or Won't You
Where Goes the Nose?
Where Goes the Nose?
Wiggle Dancing
Wiggle Dancing
Wind-Up Pup
Wind-Up Pup
Witch! Which?
Witch! Which?
Wobble Boxing
Wobble Boxing
Yoga Man
Yoga Man
Yoshi's Story
Yoshi's Story
You Can Lead a Robot to Water...
You Can Lead a Robot to Water...
Variety Pack Title Screens
Variety Packs
Console Genre Developers
Nintendo Switch Other Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Jan 18, 2025, 2:26 PM
Oct 29, 2023, 8:23 AM
where are the game bugs
Sep 13, 2023, 8:12 AM *
Two years and a few days after the game released, I am happy to say that all of the microgame sprites have been ripped! The only remaining microgames that aren't present only contain models (a few of which are currently pending on The Models Resource).
Aug 31, 2022, 10:07 AM
You know, compiling all the micro-games sheets into one category ain't gonna work. Is it possible that we separate it by the genre (Example: The micro-games sheets for the That's Life genre goes into the That's Life category.)? I feel like it would be a good solution.
Jan 23, 2022, 6:40 PM
Has anymore of the Variety Packs been ripped? A lot of the title screens look fantastic!
Oct 27, 2021, 6:52 AM
Hi, there!
I would like to say that I deeply apologies for not uploading a bunch of sheets in the past few weeks, this is because of loss of interest, school, other In Real Life events that happened to me, etc, etc...

In other words, I'm just taking a break, that's just it.
Oct 20, 2021, 9:50 AM
@RandomTalkingBush i was fearing that.
Oct 1, 2021, 6:23 AM
At first, I thought the team used Spine (A 2D Animation Program) to make the animations. Whoops.
Sep 29, 2021, 2:14 PM
@13Character5: They're all 3D models.
Sep 29, 2021, 2:01 PM
What about the playable characters? are they all 2D sprites made to look 3D?
Sep 18, 2021, 7:25 PM
Oh man, you guys are ripping fast. Can someone please rip the art from the Variety pack? The backgrounds for the different modes look so good!!
Sep 17, 2021, 9:28 PM
Whooo! This game is getting ripped fast!
Sep 12, 2021, 12:45 PM *
Currently working on the Super Mario World microgame.

EDIT: Aaaanndd... uploaded.
Sep 12, 2021, 11:25 AM
We got rips only a few days after the game's release holy shit
Sep 12, 2021, 9:02 AM
@RavenclawNimbus: The game was actually released on the 10th. But if you're talking about the game section, it was accepted yesterday.
Sep 12, 2021, 8:33 AM
I swear this game came out like a minute ago..
Sep 12, 2021, 8:22 AM
The cast's gallery arts are coming soon!
Sep 11, 2021, 9:44 AM *
I'm currently working on the Fishy Felines microgame along with other stuff, so they will be uploaded soon.
Sep 11, 2021, 7:21 AM *
Wahoo! My rips made it! :D

(By the way, I might've gotten a few of the names wrong. If they're incorrect and I haven't changed them yet, feel free to correct them.)

EDIT: Well, I found out that the names for the New Super Mario Bros. U and Yoshi's Story microgames are correct after all!
Sep 11, 2021, 2:31 AM
That was fast
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