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Baldi's Basics Plus
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Category PC / Computer
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Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Plus
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May 21, 2024, 8:55 PM
@SanestMarioFan: Nice try. I can see right through your disguise, you're just a sockpuppet for SusMogussFanV1LOL.

...and people wonder why their submissions take so long to review when we have to deal with this crap all the time...
May 21, 2024, 8:26 PM
Just made a Reflex Testing Zip Like SusMogussFanV1LOL
May 21, 2024, 8:07 PM
May 16, 2024, 7:37 PM
@Random Talking Bush my life sucks /j
May 14, 2024, 1:00 PM
@SusMogussFanV1LOL: You mean the one I just rejected which was an exact copy of the one Moqun submitted earlier?
May 14, 2024, 12:47 PM
@Haek my Dr Reflex zip is pending
May 14, 2024, 12:46 PM
The only pending sheet is my Dr. Reflex Zip File ;-;
May 14, 2024, 10:55 AM
Came to here hoping to get Dr. Reflex, instead I got to see an argument, fun times
May 11, 2024, 2:29 PM
@zhat44: It was released a few days ago (May 6th). However, the submission seemed to have been sourced from a wiki instead...
May 11, 2024, 1:51 PM
also @Moqun you were submitting sprites from a kickstarter-exclusive build. version 0.5 was not released. that is not allowed according to TSR.
May 11, 2024, 1:34 PM
this comment section just turned into chaos after the new BB+ updates were released
May 9, 2024, 12:15 PM
Last thing I'm going to be saying on this matter, since most of what I was going to mention was already covered in Petie's response.

@stardustspeedster: The point I was trying to address which involved bringing up your post history was that we literally *had* an entire section on the forums specifically for others to post their requests (before they were migrated to the Discord, since the forums rarely get any activity nowadays). It was still available to be used at the time you posted all of the comments I'd brought up, and the default message in the very comment box you typed all of those in even states as such ("This is also not the place to make requests").

The fact that you completely ignored that and posted as many as you did here in the site comments just goes to show how little you cared about the rules. Not requesting directly in the comments is the easiest rule to not break, and yet you broke it with every single post of yours except for the one. And that those were your only contributions to this site. Requesting is not "improving" the site, it's just spitting in the wind and hoping your gob is going to land in someone's eye (it won't).
May 9, 2024, 12:09 PM
just submitted Cloudy Copter, Gotta Sweep and the bully since they were missing from the Characters list, playtime i will rip the sprites tomorrow since there are more lol
May 9, 2024, 10:48 AM
The thing is, you're not improving the website by "suggesting" content to be uploaded. You're spamming and directly breaking our rules in the process. Technically speaking, if you have the resources to comment on the site, you have the resources to submit to it but I understand that ripping isn't for everyone. If you don't want to or can't rip the content you want to see, you're just going to have to hope someone else does quietly. Continuing to request, and yes, that's what suggestions are, will only result in you being removed from the site.

RTB was not abusing anything. You posted those things in public and then argued when being told to stop so your old comments were used to emphasize the point. If you're not ashamed of those old comments, there's no reason to be upset that they were brought up here. You have been defending yourself from "attacks" of your own creation by being needlessly hostile when confronted about breaking the rules. I think this is enough derailing of this page though so unless you have something actually constructive to add, let's leave this here.
May 9, 2024, 10:41 AM
also since a lot of staff seem to be here apologies for my earlier comment lol, i didnt want to be seen as simply complaining, im new here, just trying to help and since ever since i joined you guys never showed up i just thought yall never showed up, but i was misproven here XD
Hope that i help the community!
May 9, 2024, 10:39 AM
@Petie Sorry I want the website to improve by suggesting sheets get uploaded but not having the resources to do it myself? "you're really not helping your case or the case for any pending sheets you'd like to see approved more quickly. You're not being funny" my comment in regards to being funny was in regards to the one comment in my history that wasn't "where's ______" Nobody said I was ashamed of my previous comments; I was more so pointing out how Bush was abusing their power as a moderator of the website to shame and defame my initial statement. After all how would you feel if someone pulled up all your posts from all your social medias when you believe you're making a valid point and giving genuine criticism. I'll admit I have been disrespectful and a tad rude however besides my initial comment that Bush deleted I have done nothing but defend myself whilst being attacked from all sides.

@Doc von Schmeltwick and sorry for thinking staff members SHOULD get paid for their jobs which the admin of the website agrees with. dude at this point you're just clowning on and harassing me for the sake of harassing me. it's one thing for the mods and admins to correct me on how their website works; but you're not them.
May 9, 2024, 10:23 AM
welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll since the other Dr reflex pending sheet is gone, ill try to upload mine again, dont worry i realized i also uploaded some audio of dr reflex with the other sheet, and i will have that fixed. they also come in their respective folders, so i hope that helps ;-;
May 9, 2024, 10:20 AM
and i thought i sounded rude i legit was saying "ooooooh" to myself and spitted my drink when i saw the ADMINISTRATOR join in, bro got the whole house laughing
May 9, 2024, 9:39 AM *
@Ton YouTube monetized (and demonetized), so zoomers and alphas expect every site to be that way, SMH
[Edit: referenced comment has since been deleted]
May 9, 2024, 9:31 AM
@stardustspeedster Let's set the record straight here. I would absolutely love to be able to pay the staff but the only source of income the site has are the ads we run and they're pretty much keeping the lights on here, nothing more. All of the staff is here on a volunteer basis donating what little free time they have when they're able to. Their real life commitments always come first as you would expect from volunteers which, combined with so few people both willing and qualified to handle the queue, is why it's so backed up.

With that out of the way, you're really not helping your case or the case for any pending sheets you'd like to see approved more quickly. You're not being funny. If you're ashamed of your history of comments here, maybe you shouldn't have posted them. It was not disrespectful to bring up what you said publicly to make the point that you are continuing to spam unhelpful (and in this case, untrue and outright rude) nonsense here.

I do hope this was enough dialogue for you.
May 9, 2024, 9:11 AM
Dude, we don't get paid to do this.
May 9, 2024, 8:58 AM
I did not insult them. Why are we pretending that they weren't disrespectful to me first by bringing up my entire comment history?

(Also no shot they're not getting paid for moderating the website and reviewing sheets after doing it for over a decade. They're probably not gonna confirm it because of NDA; but they're getting paid to be here).
May 8, 2024, 10:35 PM
Yeah openly insulting and otherwise antagonizing one of the co-founders of not just the site, but the current understanding of sprite-ripping as a whole, who is well-respected in both contexts, is definitely going to get people on your side. Totally.

(Also, surprise surprise: it's not a job. It's a hobby. A passion project. Something he does in his free time because he wants to, not because he's paid to - there's no income from this.)
May 8, 2024, 9:02 PM
also sorry I got you to do your job. maybe next time you won't need my help ;)
May 8, 2024, 9:01 PM
@Random Talking Bush sorry I'm funnier than you? I don't know what you were expecting by bringing my comment history into this. Also I like how you deleted the pending out of spite. Really shows why you should be allowed to keep senior staff on here.
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