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Dark Queen
Category PC / Computer
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Submitter Magma MK-II
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Dark Queen
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Sep 22, 2020, 11:04 PM
I don't get why a reboot would have references to previous games in the series, such as the one scene where Dark Queen and Jeff talk about Dark Queen's other attire.
Sep 14, 2020, 6:02 PM
Every Battletoads game has gimmick levels. I like the arcade game just because where else do you get to punch a giant rat in the nads.
Sep 14, 2020, 7:44 AM
I wonder if people actually played the Arcade game, because even it still had its fair share of gimmicky levels (2 out of 6 levels, and it was supposed to have more). Besides, the bulk of the game still is the beat em up action, only on the third act it mixes up things (granted, it is also where I feel the game starts to drag on).

The art style is something you get used to, the game animates very well, especially compared to the first trailers. As for the humor and writing that's an acquired taste, outside of one or two crude jokes I personally liked it (especially the scenes with Jeff and the hippie cult). This is also supposed to be a soft-reboot of sorts so its understandable why the recurring bosses never made it, and devs already stated nothing was retconned so its quite possible they may show up in future titles.
Sep 13, 2020, 9:40 PM *
@Magma Dragoon The humor, meta stuff, lack of returning bosses and the rest of the art style is getting flak as well. Another complaint I've seen are about how they brought back the gimmicky levels instead of making it a straight beat'em up.
(There's a reason the arcade game is considered better than the rest of the series)
I wouldn't say nostalgia goggles, it's more about western media these days being censorship-heavy with fanservice.
Sep 13, 2020, 2:05 PM
Seems most haters are judging this game solely on this particular redesign which, while not particularly good is not as awful as these people are making it to be, but nostalgia googles blinds them fiercely.
Sep 13, 2020, 1:31 PM
All Dark Queen has going for her is her frequent mental breakdowns, which is not uncommon in shows like Bojack Horseman (there I go again, bringing it up!), Rick & Morty, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and the Amazing World of Gumball.
Sep 7, 2020, 6:59 AM
Sep 6, 2020, 10:01 AM *
@ZTO Not really pornstar. More like heavy metal album cover/British comic book evil sorceress. Her sexiness, being a snarky bitch and outfit made her very memorable whereas the new game design and personality is just an insult to the original character.
It was obvious from the beginning Battletoads was aimed at older audiences, not for little kids, which is what the new one appears to be doing. (Bland art style and terrible humor that makes people compare it to Teen Titans Go and cheap Flash games)
What also doesn't help is Rare's social media accounts promoting the game with dead memes, really shows how tone-deaf and out of touch they are with their fans. The attempts of trying to be hip and relevant is just that "How do you do fellow kids?" clip.
Sep 6, 2020, 3:32 AM
On one hand she's no longer an evil pornstar, but on the other hand she's nothing interesting either.
Sep 5, 2020, 8:58 PM
Man, such a massive downgrade of the original design. Now she looks like a bootleg Shego.
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