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Intro Background (Early Demo)
Category PC / Computer
Unused Content
Submitter Devy
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Format PNG ()
Hits 1,540
Comments 4

Intro Background (Early Demo)
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May 26, 2021, 9:17 AM
@RealDev So it was used but just invisible? Interesting, was it used and invisible in alphas 1.4-1.11 as well?
May 25, 2021, 5:42 AM *
The intro background is actually used! It just invisible because of the "Visible at start" not being checked:
Posted Image

Making it visible will make it look like this:
Posted Image
May 15, 2021, 6:13 PM
@GensokyoZXRedAce i remember seeing those while digging trough the files of the first 4 demos (1.0 - 1.3) i wouldn't be suprised if they're related to some sort of early intro cutscene
May 7, 2021, 8:26 AM *
An early version of the GalaxyTrail splash screen? IIRC it was only the logo on a black background in the Alphas, where did this get used?
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