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Superman (Prototype)
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Superman (Prototype)
Superman (Prototype)
Console Genre Developers
PlayStation Action Developer coming soon!
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Sep 10, 2023, 10:56 AM
@Cavan Ashton In N64 easy mode there are no rings, but you have to raise the difficulty to normal and then Superman to see the ending (which is one of the worst in video games). In the N64 beta there are no rings either and Superman is more manageable, just like the PS one.
In the PS version there are two endings, in easy you reach Mr Mxyzptlk and in normal or hard you face Brainiac.
Sep 6, 2023, 9:44 PM
Thank GOD there are no rings in the PlayStation version!
Aug 20, 2023, 6:23 AM
No, it was after the Nintendo 64 version and developed by Blue Sky that they created Vectorman and remade it from scratch, it was ready to be released but Titus lost the license and it couldn't be released despite being almost finished. Until a few years ago, an alpha was leaked in 2018 and then a beta in December 2020. It has better gameplay, graphics and a slightly better structure than the Nintendo 64 disaster, although it does become a bit annoying to carry first-aid kits and keys, but preferable that to flying through rings with disastrous controls. I like that the game has the space suit and the diving suit like in the cartoon. It's an average game but much better than Superman 64, hopefully they'll be encouraged to make another Superman game no matter how complicated it may seem, we haven't had another since Man of Steel for Android and Superman Returns for consoles.
Aug 19, 2023, 5:23 PM
Superman 64: the prequel
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