# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Category SNES
Submitter Tonberry2k
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Apr 29, 2020, 2:40 PM
SMRPG suffers from the same problem the FF games did, lot of enemies and bosses are designed to be used, but not necessarily themed.
Apr 28, 2020, 1:05 PM
Yeah, the randomness of the factory bosses relative to the established theme irks me.

The Count could at least be seen as the factory's punch clock, given the "overtime" thought. (Also Gunyolk looks like a tank mixed with a locomotive and a steel vat to me.) Honestly though, Punchinello would have been more logical since he has a bomb theme, and Knife Guy (but not so much Grate Guy) could also fill this role. I think maybe some bosses were switched around in development for difficulty curve purposes.

Boomer and the bureaucrats at least look like warriors of different varieties, but that still toes the line. And I have no idea if the things that are sometimes in Domino's hands are supposed to be some sort of weapons or not, but they look more like maracas than anything. At least Cloaker clearly has actual weapons.

Maybe given the deserty theme they were meant for Land's End or some completely abandoned conceptual area? For that matter, would have made more sense to have had genie bottle-looking guys in the temple area rather than the temple be inexplicably dedicated to some random lazy dude you meet earlier in the sewer.

As a side note, it bothers me how the translation left Earth Link's JP name alone while changing the rest; Mad Adder and the bottle-looking yahoos previously also had "[Element] Link" names, but just "Earth Link" alone makes no sense. My guess is Woolsey only ever saw Cloaker's snake and didn't know what the "Earth Link" in the script was.
Apr 28, 2020, 9:49 AM
I always thought it was odd that the Smithy Gang was all weapons until they just ran out of weapons and made random bosses.

Mack - Knife
Bowyer - Bow
Yaridovich - Spear
Axem Rangers - Axe
Exor - Sword
Gunyolk - Gun
Countdown - Clock?
Cloaker and Domino and Giant Snakes - ???
Apr 28, 2020, 8:58 AM
@Ton To go with the Arabian theme, they're snake charmers too.
Apr 28, 2020, 6:20 AM
Huh. That's a really good observation. I still don't know why they have giant snakes, though.
Apr 27, 2020, 10:08 PM
I think I finally figured out what he and Cloaker are. They're living ancient Arabian incense bottles (like a genie might be found in, though Domino looks more like a hookah specifically). Their clothes and weapons also have heavy influence in depictions of ancient Arabian/Persian culture, with Domino having a veil and Cloaker having a fez, scimitar and jeweled round shield. Not to mention the giant cobras.

Now, as for WHY they have this design influence given their location...that's the question.
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