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Yoshi's Island 2
Category SNES
Yoshi's Island Stages
Submitters Barack Obama, DogToon64
Size 0.00 KB
Format PNG ()
Hits 23,679
Comments 2

Yoshi's Island 2
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Sep 15, 2021, 4:24 PM
So here's a little fun fact about me: When I joined TVG resource I didn't knew what to rip. Characters, npc's, etc are way too hard for a beginner to handle and most of the stuff I wanted to rip were already ripped by other people. So I used to rip only simple and basic stuff from games. But someday I was scrolling throught the SNES section and I found this. This made me realise that I could try some stage ripping, which I've never considered doing it before. So I've ripped a few stages from this game. When I finished to rip a few stages, I've discovered that stage ripping is ideal for me. It's extremely fun, rewarding and there are not that many stages sheets on the site. After this, I stopped to rip stages from this game, but Barack Obama and DogToon64 finished to rip the rest of them some time later. So basically, if this sheet didn't existed I would never get into stage ripping, which is a thing I love to do.

LOL What a block of text!
Aug 11, 2020, 6:10 PM
What's funny is that I said level ripping isn't my thing. And here, I ripped a level. "Strange isn't it?"
I'm probably not going to do level ripping much though
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