# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Tengai Makyou Zero / Far East of Eden Zero (JPN)

Playable Characters

Non-Playable Characters

Akamaru, Aomaru, Kimaru & Hanamaru Clan


Divine Beasts

Hell's Elite Squadron (Mugen, Atramentous Alabaster, Suima & Gaen)


Kingin & Goldsilver

Monster Pets 1 (Manto)

Monster Pets 2

Monster Pets 3 (Summons)

NPCs 1

NPCs 2

NPCs 3

Prince of Jipang & Ninigi

Sara & Juri

Zettai Reido & Shiranui, the Swordsman of Darkness


Canine Nation Enemies

Crane Nation Enemies

Dragon Kingdom Enemies

Fire Bear Nation Enemies

Peacock Nation Enemies

Takamagahara Enemies

Turtle Nation Enemies


Akamaru, the Hellborn

Aomaru, Akamaru & Kimaru

Atramentous Alabaster



Kingin & Goldsilver


Minor Bosses



Shiranui, the Swordsman of Darkness

Zettai Reido


Abyss 1

Abyss 2

Abyss 3

Abyss 4

Abyss 5

Abyss 6

Big Tiger Town (Exterior)

Blue Lake Village (Cave)

Blue Lake Village (Exterior, Overgrown)

Blue Lake Village (Interior)

Blue Lake Village (Port)

Canine Shrine (Exterior)

Canine Shrine (Interior)

Canine Shrine Town (Exterior)

Cloudy Grotto 1

Conception Village (Exterior)

Crab-Crab Cavern

Crane and Turtle Crossing (Exterior)

Crane and Turtle Crossing (Interior)

Crane Shrine (Exterior)

Crane Shrine (Interior)

Crane Shrine Town (Exterior)

Cryptic Arbor Castle (Juri's Room)

Djinn's Waterfall (Interior)

Dragon Ears Village (Exterior)

Dragon Ears Village (Interior)

Dragon Eyes Village (Exterior)

Dragon Eyes Village (Interior)

Dragon Kingdom (World Map)

Dragon Mouth Village (Exterior)

Dragon Mouth Village (Interior)

Dragon Shrine (Exterior)

Dragon Shrine (Interior)

Entrance Village (Exterior)

Entrance Village (Interior)

Exit Village (Exterior)

Exit Village (Interior)

Festival Plaza (Bean-Throwing Festival)

Festival Plaza (Children's Day)

Festival Plaza (Crane-Watching Festival)

Festival Plaza (Doll Festival)

Festival Plaza (Flower-Watching Festival)

Festival Plaza (Moon-Watching Festival)

Festival Plaza (New Year's Festival)

Festival Plaza (Santa Festival)

Festival Plaza (Star Festival)

Festival Plaza (Temple Fair)

Festival Plaza (Tortoise Festival)

Festival Plaza (Vacant)

Fire Bear Shrine (Exterior)

Fire Bear Shrine (Interior)

Fire Bear Shrine Town (Exterior)

Firepoint Village (Entrance)

Firepoint Village (Exterior)

Firepoint Village (Flame Shrine)

Firepoint Village (Interior)

Firepoint Village (Lookout)

Fireshadow Village (Exterior)

Fireshadow Village (Interior)

Flower Circle Town (Exterior)

Flower Circle Town (Kodansha Building)

Fluttering Ridge (Exterior)

Fluttering Ridge (Interior)

Gates of Hell

Gold Dust Village (Exterior)

Gold Dust Village (Interior)

Gold Mine (Exterior)

Gold Mine (Goldkin Bug Area 1F, B1, B2)

Gold Mine (Interior)

Gold Mine 1F

Gold Mine 1F (Mine Cart Area)

Gold Mine 2F

Gold Mine 3F

Golden Castle (Goldsilver's Room)

Golden Castle (Kingin's Room)

Grand Shrine of the Heavens (Exterior)

Grand Shrine of the Heavens (Interior)

Head Mt. Village (Cave)

Head Mt. Village (Exterior)

Head Mt. Village (Interior)


Hermit Grotto

Ice Fang Castle (Zettai Reido's Room)

Ice Mountain

Ice Mountain Village (Exterior, Below Ice)

Ice Mountain Village (Exterior, Frozen)

Ice Mountain Village (Exterior)

Ice Mountain Village (Interior)

Ice Mountain Village (Yumedono, the Palace of Dreams)

Juri's Flower Garden 1

Katana Village (Exterior)

Katana Village (Interior)

Life Forest - Hisui's House (Exterior)

Life Forest - Hisui's House (Interior)

Life Forest 1

Life Forest 2

Life Forest 3

Life Forest 4

Liquor Village (Exterior)

Liquor Village (Interior)

Looker's Grotto (Inner Caves)

Looker's Grotto 1

Looker's Grotto 2

Luck Luck Village (Exterior)

Luck Luck Village (Interior)

Mirror Village (Exterior)

Open Market (Exterior)

Open Market (Interior)

Peacock Palace (Exterior)

Peacock Palace (Interior) & Mahamayuri (Exterior)

Peacock Palace Cutscene

Peacock Shrine (Exterior)

Peacock Shrine (Interior)

Peacock Shrine Town (Exterior)

Phantom Castle (Entrance)

Phantom Castle (Sara's Room)

Phantom Castle 1

Rain Temple Village (Exterior)

Rain Temple Village (Interior)

Rat Village (Exterior)

Rat Village (Interior)

Ripple Grotto (Water of Life Fountain)

Royal Dragon Castle (Throne Room)

Royal Dragon Castle 1 (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Castle 2 (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Castle 2 (Interior)

Royal Dragon Castle 3 (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Castle 4 (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Castle 5 (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Castle 9 (Interior)

Royal Dragon Town (Exterior)

Royal Dragon Town (Interior)

Sea of Darkness

Seaweed Village (Exterior)

Seaweed Village (Interior)

Splendid Village (Exterior)

Splendid Village (Interior)

Threshold of the Heavens 1

Threshold of the Heavens 2

Threshold of the Heavens 4

Threshold of the Heavens 6

Threshold of the Heavens 7

Tower of Bloodshed (Akamaru's Room)

Tower of Bloodshed (Rooftop & Tower Base)

Tower of Bloodshed 1

Treasure Village (Exterior)

Treasure Village (Interior)

Treasure Village (Treasure Gallery)

Turtle Shrine (Exterior)

Turtle Shrine (Interior)

Turtle Shrine Town (Exterior)

Valley of Stone 1 (Exterior)

Valley of Stone 1 (Interior)

Valley of Stone 2

Valley of Stone 3

Valley of Stone 4

Valley of Stone 5

Valley of Stone 6

Valley of Stone 7 (Exterior)

Valley of Stone 7 (Interior)

Yonder Mountain (Coal Mine, Entrance)

Yonder Mountain (Coal Mine, Hermit's Retreat)

Yonder Mountain (Exterior)

Yonder Mountain (Interior)


Battle Backgrounds 1

Battle Backgrounds 2

Battle Backgrounds 3

Ending Screen

Fast Travel Menu

Intro Backgrounds & Objects

Menu Portraits

Peacock Palace Cutscene (Mode 7)

Sea of Darkness Cutscene (Mode 7)

Sprite Animations 1

Tileset Animations 1

Title Screen, Save Menu & Splash

Translated Signs, Stone Slabs, Graffiti & Lanterns

Valley of Stone Panoramas

Weather Overlays & Panoramas

Console | Genre |
SNES | Turn-Based RPG |
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