Submitter Stats: Caveras | |
Sheets Submitted | 17 |
Games Submitted To | 11 |
Largest Console (by Games) | SNES (11 games) |
Largest Console (by Sheets) | SNES (17 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contributions |
(4 sheets)
Mortal Kombat 2
(2 sheets)
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
(2 sheets) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Super Punch-Out!! | Intro, Ending, Menus, & Fonts | 35,326 hits |
2 | Mortal Kombat 2 | Menu Elements & Fonts | 32,406 hits |
3 | Shadowrun | Character Avatars | 25,010 hits |
4 | WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game | Menu Elements + Fonts | 21,565 hits |
5 | NBA Jam Tournament Edition | Menu Elements + Fonts | 18,492 hits |
6 | NBA Hangtime | Team Logos + Player Avatars | 15,529 hits |
7 | Shadowrun | Menu Elements + Fonts | 14,656 hits |
8 | Shadowrun | Animated AI | 14,575 hits |
9 | WWF RAW | Menu Elements & Fonts | 13,421 hits |
10 | WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling (USA) | Menu Elements + Fonts | 12,739 hits |
SNES Sheets
Characters + Opponents
Menu Elements & Fonts
Title Screen Logo
Team Logos + Player Avatars
Menu Elements + Fonts
Title Screen Logo
Menu Elements + Fonts
Animated AI
Character Avatars
Matrix Graphics
Menu Elements + Fonts
Intro, Ending, Menus, & Fonts
Tarot + Menu Elements
Menu Elements + Fonts
Menu Elements & Fonts
Titantron Wrestler Logos
Menu Elements + Fonts