Submitter Stats: DarkOverord All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 73
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Genre (by Games) Fighting (2 games)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Fighting (73 sheets)
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1 Touhou Hisoutensoku Reimu Hakurei 52,536 hits
2 Touhou Hisoutensoku Marisa Kirisame 46,631 hits
3 Touhou Hisoutensoku Sakuya Izayoi 43,432 hits
4 Touhou Hisouten (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody) Sakuya Izayoi 41,327 hits
5 Touhou Hisoutensoku Remilia Scarlet 40,556 hits
6 Touhou Hisoutensoku Utsuho Reiuji 40,513 hits
7 Touhou Hisoutensoku Youmu Konpaku 39,448 hits
8 Touhou Hisoutensoku Alice Margatroid 38,908 hits
9 Touhou Hisoutensoku Yukari Yakumo 37,506 hits
10 Touhou Hisoutensoku Aya Shameimaru 32,818 hits
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