Submitter Stats: Mr.Midian-P All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 42
Games Submitted To 5
Largest Console (by Games) Mobile (4 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) Mobile (41 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
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1 Fate/Grand Order Artoria Pendragon (Saber) 3,298 hits
2 Metal Slug 2 / Metal Slug X Combat School Slugs 2,730 hits
3 Fate/Grand Order Fate Kaleid Liner Eyecatch (JP) 2,598 hits
4 Fate/Grand Order User Interface 2,365 hits
5 Fate/Grand Order Fate Kaleid Liner Eyecatch (NA) 2,349 hits
6 Fate/Grand Order FGO Sticker (Part 1) 2,241 hits
7 Fate/Grand Order FGO Sticker (Part 2) 2,131 hits
8 Fate/Grand Order Barghest (Stage 2) 2,046 hits
9 Metal Slug Attack Regular Army Biker 2,008 hits
10 Fate/Grand Order Senji Muramasa (Stage 1) 1,966 hits
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