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Sheets Submitted 9
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) SNES (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) SNES (9 sheets)
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1 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Dr. Tongue (Form 1, Giant Spider) 14,626 hits
2 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Giant Baby 14,197 hits
3 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Tommy the Evil Doll 12,689 hits
4 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Snakeoid 12,303 hits
5 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Giant Ant 9,868 hits
6 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Tentacle 9,277 hits
7 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Jelly Blob 9,098 hits
8 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Mummy 8,857 hits
9 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Mutant Plant 7,585 hits
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