Submitter Stats: RaposaCadela All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 76
Games Submitted To 46
Largest Console (by Games) NES (37 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) NES (67 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Most Popular Sheets
1 Bubsy 3D Font 35,621 hits
2 Metal Gear Solid Snake 21,230 hits
3 Batman: Return of the Joker Batman 21,210 hits
4 Mario Customs Mario (ID MS-DOS Pitch Recreation) 15,799 hits
5 Super Pitfall Pitfall Harry 15,132 hits
6 Strider Strider Hiryu 13,723 hits
7 Action 52 (Bootleg) Introduction 13,177 hits
8 Batman: Return of the Joker Introduction 12,688 hits
9 DuckTales Title & Level Select 11,865 hits
10 Rambo John Rambo 11,247 hits
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