Submitter Stats: Timothy Grunclebottoms All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 71
Games Submitted To 4
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (3 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) DS / DSi (63 sheets)
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(50 sheets)
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1 Cars: Mater-National Championship Sidebar Cars 2,557 hits
2 Phineas and Ferb Character Icons 2,307 hits
3 Phineas and Ferb Triangle Textures 2,205 hits
4 Cars: Mater-National Championship GUI 2,178 hits
5 Phineas and Ferb O.W.C.A. 1,991 hits
6 Robocalypse Dialog Popups 1,952 hits
7 Phineas and Ferb Credits 1,621 hits
8 Cars: Mater-National Championship Racer Meetups 1,601 hits
9 Phineas and Ferb Beta Title Screen 1,550 hits
10 Cars: Mater-National Championship Cups Menu Backgrounds 1,482 hits
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