Submitter Stats: gba riverside park frontrunning | |
Sheets Submitted | 5 |
Games Submitted To | 1 |
Largest Genre (by Games) | Strategy (1 game) |
Largest Genre (by Sheets) | Strategy (5 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contribution |
Diner Dash: Hometown Hero
(5 sheets) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Diner Dash: Hometown Hero | Queen of Hearts (Business Woman) | 52 hits |
2 | Diner Dash: Hometown Hero | Bean Salesman (Bookworm) | 40 hits |
3 | Diner Dash: Hometown Hero | Magic Harp (Celebrity) | 37 hits |
4 | Diner Dash: Hometown Hero | Attendant (Bookworm) | 35 hits |
5 | Diner Dash: Hometown Hero | Prince (Celebrity) | 32 hits |