Submitter Stats: shadow_91 | |
Sheets Submitted | 4 |
Games Submitted To | 2 |
Largest Console (by Games) | Custom / Edited (2 games) |
Largest Console (by Sheets) | Custom / Edited (4 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contributions |
Sonic the Hedgehog Customs
(3 sheets)
Sonic the Hedgehog Media Customs
(1 sheet) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Sonic the Hedgehog Customs | Hyper Sonic (Sonic Battle-Style) | 90,958 hits |
2 | Sonic the Hedgehog Media Customs | Dark Sonic (Sonic X, Battle-Style) | 59,994 hits |
3 | Sonic the Hedgehog Customs | Super Tails (Sonic Battle-Style) | 43,420 hits |
4 | Sonic the Hedgehog Customs | Mecha Sonic Mk II (Battle-Style) | 5,077 hits |