Wake me up...
Comments (2)
Posted by Dazz - September 7, 2013 - 5:25 AM
September is here! One of the greatest months of the year. September represents a momentous season change, and means we can start wearing our coats here in the UK... I love my coat. Why would you want to sleep through the whole month!? Gosh, Armstrong is just a weirdo...

We've got some awesome submissions this week - a lot of new submitters, some uncommon posters, and some regular. A real mixed bag of tricks. It's awesome!
Sheets in this update: 102 (Show Sheets)

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Sep 7, 2013, 6:16 PM
Spring here. Although it doesn't really feel like it...

I'm too busy to submit myself, but nice update!
Sep 7, 2013, 12:54 PM
Heh, September's actually my least favorite month. It's really muggy and hot in Florida!

Anyway, great update! Love the Rhythm Heaven stuff!
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