Mega Koopalings and... Things
Comments (2)
Posted by Garamonde - September 17, 2013 - 12:29 PM
I'm back, everybody! Miss me? It's okay, I know you're all jumping out of your seats. (Just kidding!)

Well, I have great news anyway! My move went great, still getting things arranged but life's pretty good right now. All I know is that good things are to come for me and my life. :3

Now for the old rundown: this time we've got a bunch of fab from redblueyellow as always, some cool things from JigglypuffGirl, and something that I'm sure many of you have been waiting a long time for: official-quality custom Koopaling sprites in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story style from non other than the beloved Ridge Troopa! It's okay, you can pick your jaw up off the floor now.

So as usual, enjoy, and keep coming on back now, y'hear?
Sheets in this update: 155 (Show Sheets)

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Sep 17, 2013, 5:18 PM
Indeed, some very nice stuff in this update! And once again congrats with the move ;)
Sep 17, 2013, 4:51 PM
nice update! Don't know if I said this yet but glad the move went well! :)
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