It's October!
Comments (5)
Posted by Petie - October 3, 2015 - 4:07 PM
I'm back with another update, admittedly a little later in the day than I originally intended but better late than never! As always, we have some great new content here including a bunch of Sonic (among my own personal favorite series), Final Fantasy, and Diablo 2 sheets among many more so check them out!

Also, now that it's been around for a week or so, how are you guys liking the more prominent status of the Icon Renovation project? We figured it wouldn't hurt to show the community as a whole how things are doing but we weren't sure how well it would go over so let us know in the comments.
Sheets in this update: 158 (Show Sheets)

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Oct 23, 2015, 4:39 AM
Nice to meet you. My name is Japanese of Pssytaku.
This time I was allowed to comment if there is one, please.
And I want the Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Xbox 360) Fighters align all worth. The rest of the Fighters are I want you think, but you certainly complement also new behavior and are aligned in Persona 4 Arena (Xbox 360). Please consider all means.
Oct 8, 2015, 6:22 AM
Didn't even think to check for a Wario section - thanks!
Oct 8, 2015, 6:17 AM
They're actually over in the Wario section.
Oct 8, 2015, 4:06 AM
There are some custom sprites that include Wario and Waluigi in the Mario Series section of Custom / Edited but, since I haven't actually seen Super Mario Bros. Z, I can't tell you if we have the ones you're looking for.
Oct 8, 2015, 1:34 AM
Y'know, I've been wondering: In Super Mario Bros Z, where did Alvin Earthworm get the Superstar Saga sprites for Wario and Waluigi? Are there any sprite sheets for them on The Spriters' Resource?
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