No 'Net November
Comments (5)
Posted by Ton - November 16, 2024 - 10:41 AM
Hi everyone! I don't know about you all, but I've been busy lately. Almost no time for internet stuff at all this month! No, sirree...
Anyway, we have yet another great cache of sprites for you this week!

First off, JellyfishSunrise keeps the Thomas Train a-chuggin' with more rips, while Nontendo11 is working on the very obscure depths of Town with No Name. Our old friend Yawackhary keeps finding new and exciting obscurities to rip, Mighty Shy Guy lets us relive the roller coaster of emotions that is Toy Story 3, kanji_talk has some fun Pokemon-inspired Game Boy rips, Mr. Bruh has some additional Pixar rips with The Incredibles, Про Игрок has some great TMNT rips, shredditz is working on some fun Power Rangers sprites, KoolTimYT has more Dan the Man, Sinaria5080 has loads of Love Nikki, ogarvey submitted some great Lion King stage rips, HylianFox has taken a step back in time to the 80s and ripped the most 80s NES game of all time, Ghost Lion, blueberrymuffin has even more Diner Dash, and much much more!

This week's Customs include Terminal Devastation's Wario style Cave Master, FoxBud made a really incredible Sans, johnnie eletronic has a very cute Reimu sheet, Dolphman has a one-two punch of random Sonic sheets, walmaker has a very cool Mario pipes tile sheet, and P-Tux7 continues churning out great Megaman customs, among other great stuff!

Thank you all for another great week, and we'll see you again soon!
Sheets in this update: 418 (Show Sheets)

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Nov 17, 2024, 8:11 AM
Next update More Sit pose Added on

Alcedor and His Squire Cervul
Swordcedor and Cervile
Maxime Gunn and Joe Carbine
Demon Alcedor and Demon Cervul

and Others...
Nov 16, 2024, 6:52 PM
Good news, everyone! I have received a new cat and two kittens last month. Click here to check out and scroll down to my latest post today!
Nov 16, 2024, 1:10 PM
My first shout out! Thank you! 🙌
Not much to say other than I hope I can fill up those MMPR Game Gear games' sections.
Very good and very underrated games.

Oh, Ghost Lion? I only know of the game cause there's a map section which almost looks like an exact copy of one from StarTropics!
Nov 16, 2024, 12:16 PM
@HylianFox The boxart is all I know about that game, haha.
Nov 16, 2024, 11:56 AM
Not quite sure what makes Ghost Lion so 80s-tastic aside from the ridiculous boxart, lol.
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