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The IDOLM@STER: Tapped Out Overworld
Comments (3)
Posted by Petie - February 22, 2025 - 6:03 PM
Hello everyone! I'm here to bring you another huge update with this one clocking in at over 1,100 new submissions! I'm also just about to head out to do some grocery shopping though so let's just dive right in. First up, Kiphub21 has been hard at work submitting tons of new IDOLM@STER content and Redtarp has also contributed a ton to the mobile section with a ridiculous amount from The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Up next, danikk04 brings us the entire PSP section (along with most of the Wii) with lots of new Gundam goodies while Yawackhary fills out most of the Genesis section across a few different games. And finally, we have our custom artists who this week, in alphabetical order, are:

8thFall3n, Ace Valley, AkumaTh, Bamdioco, Darknic the half demon1234, Greenknight9000, hansungkee, Its-A-Me_Austin, Knuxkrafter, Moonja Red, Nikog266, OphaR, PixelMarioXP, RaguRando, saidFayad5, TarkanDragon, YorkieYT, and ZeroSaberGreen

Of course, there's so much more to see that I could cover here but I need to get going so that's going to do it for this week. As always though, give it all a good look and have a great weekend!
Sheets in this update: 1,118 (Show Sheets)

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Feb 22, 2025, 11:06 PM
Yeah, calling out specifics is really difficult, especially when there's this much to go through. I tend to focus on large groups as just a quick overview but I mean it when I say there's so much more to see. Nobody's contributions are ever unvalued - we simply can't get to all of them in every post (though that will be changing with the new site!).
Feb 22, 2025, 8:27 PM
Thanks ever so much for the shoutout, it meant a lot.

As always there's loads of great stuff and am speechless on just how diverse it is. Everyone did their part and just can't single anyone or any rip out.
Feb 22, 2025, 8:10 PM
when they mention u 🤩
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